Chapter 12: Soul Mate.

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Rita POV
Christmas Day - 21:18

All the Ora's and Brown's are at the house apart from Chris, who is late.
"Rita! Christopher's here." Elena yells at me from answering the front door.

"I'm coming."

"Better late than ever." Elena says.

"Plane was delayed."Chris says. Hugging me. "Hey Drew, ain't it way past your bedtime brutha."

"No," Drew says as Chris picks him up.


After that we give Chris some food and sit with him. Drew goes to bed and by the end of him eating he's already drunk half a bottle of wine. He really shouldn't be drinking, but he was already drinking before I could stop him. and we play board games, we played this Very British board game Called Logo and get into teams. Elena and Saffron. Don and Uncle Jack. Me and my dad. And Chris and my mom.
Chris is getting drunk and so is my mom, it very funny.

"..Chris read the next question already?!?!" I say to him as he's in deep conversation with my mother.

"Okkkkkkkkaaayyy. Sorry Vera darling will get back to our chit chat in a bitaaa."He says taking the wrong question card.

"No, take it from the back." We all yell at him.

"Jesus anyone woulda thought Idda picked the wrong card." He says slurring.

"That's cause you did!" I say.

"Don't give him sucha hard tiiiime." My mom says as Chris pretends to cry and she cradled him in her arms.

He does an almighty sniff and says "I'll be fine... which question do I read."



"Okay... what is the scientific word for the lung disease silicosis?... da fuq?!" He says frowning with a stank face showing my mom.
"Ohhhh gaaawwddd, they'll never guess dat.." she says. We all giggle cause they all kinda drunk.
None of us are able to guess it so Chris reads it out.
"Pneumon..o..ultra..microscope--" he says as both him and my mom are squinting at the card making everyone laugh.
"No, no let me try..pneumopoty--"My mom says.

"Pneumonpoty?!? Do ya need da toilet?!" Chris says making us laugh. "Nah, its Pneumonoultra... bare with..." he says hiccuping. "..pneumonultra..microscopic..silver volvcanoes... no shit as if Einstein could have guessed that!!" He says and we all laugh.

All evening Chris seems to be the one entertaining us and making us laugh because he's half a sleep and half drunk. He does stupid dances and is witty in conversation. He keeps busting out in song randomly messing up lyrics making me and Elena end up in tears.

For Example. "Hey, I just met you, and this is crazzzyyyy, but call the doctor, cause I've go rabies!!"


Now everyone's gone back home, Chris is the last one here with me and Elena.
"How are you getting home?" Elena asks him as he attempts putting his coat on.

"Drivin..." he says.

"Oh no your not." I say

He smack his lips, "nah..I'm fine girl."

"No your not.. you can stay here or get a taxi." Elena says.

"Hmmmm..." he says with a drunk stank face, I get my phone and take a picture because he's making us laugh.

"Do what you want wiv me ladies." He says with arms out looking like an Italian car salesman or something, haha.

"We'll take you to bed."

"Okey doke." He says as we stand both sides of him trying to help him walk. "I'm perfectly able to walk!"

"Go on then" Elena says.

He falls to the ground immediately.

"How did I get on the floor aha." His voice goes high at the end and me and Elena are in tears on the floor laughing, so he starts laughing.

"WE ALL LIVE IN A YELLOW SUBMARINNNNNEEEE, YELLOW SUBMAWINNNEEE, WEWWWO SUBMAWINNNEE." He sings making us laugh more as we go upstairs to put him on my bed. Fuck knows why he's sing white ass shit. Inside joke between our friends; that I'm black and Chris is white, as in stereotypical.

"Teethhhh." He says motioning him cleaning his teeth. So he uses a spare one in the bathroom. I have to direct the toothbrush in his mouth and hold him up right, the boy is heavy. Hahahhaaha. After he's finished brushing with my help I wipe his face and he looks at me and pokes my nose and smiles.

After I've helped him into bed and brushed my teeth, he's half asleep by the time I'm get into bed, he's so peaceful.
I lay there looking at my phone for a few minutes, then turn off the lights and pull the covers over. All I can hear is Chris gently snoring. Then a few moments later he turns and wraps his arms around me, burying his head in my neck and legs tucked into mine.


Chris has a killer hangover the next day, me and Elena pack as we are going to Miami with Grimshaw for New Years and vacation.

With me and Chris it's starting to feel like when were roommates in New York and we were always talking and looked out for each other. When I was homesick and had anxiety, me and Chris just talked until sunrise. I know it sound cheesy but it's how it was and is, now we are just grown up. This might sound crazy, but he's kind of like a soul mate.
He's just cool with me. I can relax and not worry when I talk to him.  We both can see right through each other and we both know each other's darkest secrets.


Saying goodbye to him this time bought tears to my eyes. I think him too, even though he looked like a zombie. We hugged for ages until Elena broke the hug, literally, the reckless bitch crawled in between us. Chris and Elena hugged as well.

He mouthed 'I love you' to me when he was outside like we were in love. Damn.


During the next few days after Chris wasn't talking to anyone. I didn't know this until New Year's Eve, because he was still talking to me like normal. This is very unlike Chris, he likes to talk to everyone, unless they don't want to talk to him. He always puts on a smile even at his lowest points...

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