Chapter 13: I Love You More

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Chris POV
December 27 - day after Rita left.

"No, no let him finish. I want to know why he has problems with me." I say to everyone. We are at the dance studio, In London.

"Aight then," he stands up. "you have Guy at rehearsals Imma bad dancer when you know I'm better then all of y'all,"

"He wasn't calling you a bad dancer, he told you to quit pissing about." I say.

"NO let me finish!!! you act like you have problems, just so you can get wid bitches." I'm frowning looking at him. I actually hate confrontations, always have, I shy away. Media always misinterpret it.
"Then you always complaining like you got problems with your family, when you know damn right you haven't got any-"

"Bro stop! Do you hear what your saying." I interrupt him.

"Yeah, I do! And I know they don't know about your other dark secret?!!" He says.

"What u on about?" I'm pretty calm, but I can't make eye contact with anyone.

"Bout ur addiction and shit. I know, remember in the studio at the end of 2013 to 2014!! You sleeping on the mics, and then you go beating up innocent niggas with your gang, just to look hard!!--"

"Jess Stop, I don't have an addiction and you weren't even ther--"

"Or remember how you abandoned your closest friends, like Rita, because you got big headed and a fame whore?! Hmm?! Can you remember when you forced me to go to that party in West Hollywood with you!! Sleeping with prostitutes!! Doing hard weed!! Drinking all day!!"


"Then that night when we got James... well.. were arrested for hitting that nigga from OGs dance cre--!! You treated me like shit and set me up!--"

"James?! I didn't know he was called James from OG...I never set you up?..You weren't ther.." I start to realize Jesse had something to do with that night. Because he knew who the people were outside the hotel. I went to jail, because... maybe he set me up. Some guy confronted me when I was high outside a hotel and shit went down hill, some how this nigga knew my week spots. Jesse must have been involved.
Bad man don't cry, but this nigga... the whole room silent, Jesse was just ranting.

I stand up, I feel speechless; not in a good way.

"You got nothing to say, have you?! Your a pussy Chris. If I confronted you right now, you wouldn't fight. Thats because you ain't shit! Your a weak nigga like your father. Who couldn't raise his kid, or treat his mom right." He says coming up to my face. I'm a little taller than him, but he already got me pinned down.
"Go on pussy nigga fight me?!"

I nod my head mouthing the word 'no'.

"You scared you'll disappoint your dead mom?!" Tears come to my eyes, I'm staring at the floor, this shit came out of nowhere. I never talk about my mom. "It's your fault she dead though?!" He says pushing my shoulders.

I look up to a smug and angry looking Jesse.

"Go on then?!" He smirks.

"Nah, I'm a man." And I walk out.

Rita POV

New Years Eve. New Year's Day in U.K.

"Chris is missing apparently. He's not talking to anyone,, or at home." Elena says to me.

"But I was talking to him earlier, he's fine?!"

"Well he ain't answering any of my texts. Tanya (one of Chris's choreographers and friends)  called me a second ago and said he had got into a argument with Jesse a few days ago."Elena says to me.

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