Chapter 11: Struggle.

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Rita POV

Chris visits me now and then to have dinner or just spend time with me and Elena after work. We usually just watch movies, but we enjoy his company. Elena and Chris are like best friends now as well.

Every time he goes back home, me and him go to the door and just hug for a few minutes. I love feeling his body on me, 'scuse the pun. He's squeezes my bum sometimes. Cheeky.


At the X Factor show on Saturday, Chris came in early to look at the stage, I bought my friends with me, Chris hasn't really seen them since the incident with Jesse.

Jesses messed about on stage, whilst Chris talked to his cousin's Saffron and Chad. When Saffron sees us she runs down and gives me and Elena a hug. Then Chad and Chris walk off stage to us, but Jesse jumps over Chads head and tenses his muscles; showing off. I just stare at Chris who has a stank face. it makes me giggle.

"I'm funny right?" Jesse says to me.

"no i was laughing at Chris." I say walking over to Chris.

We all head to the lounge to hang out before we all have work again.


Jesses mouthing off again about some other guy he doesn't like, we all just roll are eyes or do something else.

"Chris we got to do an interview now." Tina; Chris's manager says to Chris.

"OK one minute..." he replies. "there.. there seems to be something in my water." Chris says staring at the bottom of his bottle.

"Dude theres nothing wrong with your water." Jesse says to him.

"Well then you have a look." Chris says to him taking the lid off the bottle and placing it on the table. "Look just there..." he says pointing at the bottom of the bottle.

"Theres nothing there." Jesse says smirking at him.

"you sure, it kind of smells nasty." Chris says looking inside the bottle and smelling it.

"No theres nothing." Jesse says doing the same. Then Chris hits both sides of the water bottle so all the water goes in Jesses face. It left Jesse speechless, and us laughing.

"haha, I'm sorry man. It needed to be done, you were getting on my nerves bruh." Chris says passing Jesse some tissues while getting up to go. "i'll see yas laterz" Chris says squeezing my hand as he walks past me.

Chris POV

My performance went well and afterwards i went for a rave with Nick Grimshaw, one of the judges. The next day I had rehearsals, and then went back to X Factor with Saffron, Rita let us watch backstage with her family and friends. We had fun, then I spent the rest of the evening with Saffron at my apartment, we watched movies and ate junk, probably not the best thing to do before my show, but it was fun and I missed my cousin.

During the week I was doing my anthology shows up to the build up for my Album release. Rita came and saw me when she could with her friends, then after the release of the album we were both working in different countries up to Christmas Eve.

I won't lie it's been a struggle this year. Because I know how I feel, I'm just not in the position to do what I feel. I feel grown to the point that I don't want to piss about in a relationship, I'm serious. But I fear.

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