Chapter 5: Straight Outta Jail.

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Elena POV

It's June 2nd, we are in Los Angeles. This morning when I woke I got endless texts and calls from family and friends telling me Chris was out of jail. I had to check it wasn't a joke or from those unreliable "sources". As soon as I found out it was true, I ran into Rita's room; whose fat arse was asleep and woke her up. I couldn't contain my excitement!!!

Rita doesn't know this, and I will tell her. But before Chris was in jail, he used to text every week to check Rita was alright, I told him to talk to her himself, but he's a bit shy, I think it's cause she had a man. Oh yeah, she's still trying to get over all that, it's been pretty tough, specially with work. But I tell she has to focus, tough love always works.

Rita POV

"Rita!! Rita!!" She was jumping on my bed.
"What's happened?!?" I say urgently waking up.
"Nothing bad, Chris is out!!" She smiled at me, she opened the curtains making me go fucking blind.

"Bitch what! Your lying?"

"No, haven't you had like a shit load of texts and calls!?!?"she says turning my TV. "He was released this morning, apparently."

"My phone was off--" turning on my phone. Still in bed.

*Chris Brown just released from jail in U.K.* - Tv

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"I don't know, call mom or aunt K. Mum said she spoke to him or something, in a text."

"Rather call mom." Still haven't really forgiven Aunt K, how could you treat anyone like that? He doesn't ne--, sorry I'm starting to ramble on.


*calls MummyOra*

MummyOra: hello

Rita: hey mum it's Rita.

MummyOra: oh hi baby.

Rita: you know Chris's out of jail!:)

MummyOra: yes he's called me, I didn't know if you were awake, neither did he. I left a text with Elena. Anyway, me, your dad and maybe Don will see him later, he wanted to see us, he's very sweet. I think he's at home with Aunt K now.

Rita : Awwh, that's nice. As he got his phone then? Or--

MummyOra: yes, I said he didn't want to wake you. But he said he'd message or call you late baby. If you want you could probably do that now. Although I think he was going to sleep, he's missed a comfy bed.

Rita: i bet, ok that's good, love you mum, speak later.

MummyOra: Awwh love you too! Bye!

*ends call*


Of course I immediately text him, even though he is probably asleep. This is the first best day I have had in ages.
I know it sounds kind of bad. Me and mom just had a conversation about a 'man who is coming out of prison', yet that man means a lot more to me than anything.


*texting Chris* (I got so mad at him ages ago, I changed his name from Badman to just Chris, I didn't want to delete him)

Rita: CHRISTOPHER!!!!!!! Call me

Maybe that's too in his face, I might seem to attached. (Backspace)

Rita: YOUR'E OUT!! Call me when you get this. I know your probably asleep; Princesses need their beauty sleep. Can't wait to talk to you! R xox


That's cuter. He'll like that. He always signed his messages and cards with 'xoxo'; signature Chris.

Chris POV

I'm out!!!!!!!
I went asleep on the bed in Aunt K's guest room and woke to a very happy Drew James Sivan sitting on top of me.

"Wassup little guy!!!!! Whose not so little anymore! Missed you like hell I did!!!" I say tickling and hugging him.

"Me too, where have you been Beezy?" He still can't say my nickname. "Mummy said you were getting fixed? Were you broken?"

"I was a little bit. You'll understand when your older." I said reassuring him.

I went downstairs to a big hug from Saffron.

"Drew I thought I told you not to bother him!!" K says to Drew. She's cooking.

"It's alright K, I don't mind, I haven't seen him in so long I forgot what he looked like. What you cooking anyways?" I say nosing my head in pans.

"Boy do ya want to get beat. Stand away."she still has some island accent in her, which makes me laugh.

Just then Unk Jack walked in from work. "Unk." I say.

He looks at me disapproving at first.
"Come here son" he says pulling me into a hug. "I think I owe you an apology... I know you had been a bad place... but I should've listened to you and acted like the father figure I was supposed to be. I'm proud of you for trying to make it right on your own. But now I will try better for you, talk to me when you need. I hope you can forgive me. I acted selfishly." I'm in shock.

"Don't worry uncle J, I'm not mad at you anymore, I'd be wasting time." I see now shaking his hand.


Later that evening I saw the Ora's, I hadn't looked at my phone all day, which was a first. I just got so used to being without it. I had a nice time though. They're already my family, I love them a lot.


I got plenty of texts and missed calls. Someone asked in one "Chris, you dead?" X')
I got the text from Rita, which made me smile ear to ear. I called her immediately.


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