Chapter 3: I Will Never Let You Down.

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Chris POV

As I walked in this small private visitors room. My eyes started to well with tears, I felt aching inside me as I looked at her. My heart froze, not a worry in the world.

I just remember her arms wrapped around my body tight as I cried in to her shoulder. She rubbed my back and head a few times kissing me on the neck and cheek. "It's ok." She'd say now and then. We were there for like two minutes.

"Lets talk we haven't got much time together." She said breaking our hug. I wiped all my tears on my grey sweatshirt, which left a mark. I think she's been crying to as she wiped tears from her eyes.

Rita POV

"I'm happy to s..see you." He says through his teary, innocent, puppy dog eyes. His speech is slightly stammered again and He looks exhausted.

"Me too." I say through broken speech. I smile slightly. But he's finding it hard to look at me.
"Why has no one visited me?" He says, he looks at me occasionally.

"Uh well..." I don't want to lie to him about what they said. But I don't want to hurt him. "It's been hard for them, just as It has for you. They're very confused. I saw your aunt yesterday. I think your cousins want to see you, I'm sure they will. Just give them time." When I say time he laughs a little. "What?"

"They haven't told me how long I'm going to be here. In fact they haven't questioned me properly. I just want to be out.... I wish.." he looks at me now. "I wish I'd been open with you, not left you alone. You were so special to me and I let you down. I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you, when I can." He says holding my hand.

"Oh Chrisss. I forgave you ages ago, you'll get out before you know it. I'll always have your back."

Chris POV

She wore jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt like me, made me feel comfortable. She didn't wear make up, I preferred her without make up.

I kinda stared at her for a minute I didn't know what to say. I felt so ashamed, like I'd let her (especially) down. But she sits there like I'm no trouble.

"Are you ok? I've missed you a lot." I say to her.

"Yeah, could be better, but I'm happy to see you."

I nod "How's your music going?"

"My new single comes out soon. So hopefully you can hear it when your out."

"Oh yeah, sing it to me." I say with a smile, knowing this is the corniest shit ever. "Go on, I get sick of my own voice and there's  no singers in here, I love your voice."

"They might kick me out though, and the titles a bit ironic to the current situation." She says, making us laugh a little.

"Why what's it called?"

"Ohh.. haha.. I.. 'I will never let you down'." We both start to laugh.

"You stick by your word then." I say we both smile.

"Yeah, although Calvin wrote it."

"Ohhh... not sure I want to hear it now." I laugh.

"No he's a good guy, I know you don't trust him." She smirks.

"does he know about what happened?" I ask seriously.

"No, I never told anyone." She looks down at the floor, I think I killed the mood. "Well my sister knew sorta, she told me you texted her and I told her we just kissed, I think she knows we did more. But I didn't think I'd see you again so I just by passed it."

"You can't hide things from him forever, you've been with him a while now--"

"I think I've left it too late. I do love him Chris." My heart hurts a little. "It's not like you haven't done that to me."

"We weren't in a relationship, it wasn't like that." I say.

"It still hurt that bad."she fights back looking away.

"Yeah, my mistake. Look I..I don't want go back the cell on bad terms with you, lets not talk about it."

"Ok" she agrees.

"Is your family alright?" We talk a little longer then we are both asked to leave, times up.

She gives me a tight hug and kiss on the cheek and forehead. "I'll be thinking of you, don't give up. I'll make sure to visit when I can."
"Ok." As she leaves my view I start to feel the tears well up. I wipe them away quick and keep my head up. I want to make her proud.

Rita POV

As I leave I feel a lump in my throat and tears welling up.

When I get in the backseat of the car my mom and sister (sat in the front) ask 'how is he.' I start to breakdown.
They both get out, mom sits next me hugging me and Elena stands with my door open hugging me.
"It's alright baby girl." Mom says kissing my head.
"I stayed strong in there." I say trying to speak through my cries. Elena passing me some tissues.
"Did he look ok, was in a mess at all?" Elena asks.
I look up wiping my face with tissues.
"He just looked exhausted, fed. He looked quite insecure in there. He also seemed so innocent like he was a victim not a suspect.... I wished I'd been there for him more."
"Rita you couldn't do anymore. Your the first person he's seen since he's been in there. He will love you for that." Mom says.
"Yeah and no doubt he feels lost and confused. And probably wants to give up. You have given him something to hold onto now."Elena says
I nod and a agree. I felt so emotionally drained that I fell asleep on the way home. And as soon as I got home i got in the bath. I hadn't told Adam I went to see him, he was the last person I wanted to talk to matter of fact. I had work the next day. But all night I thought about Chris; thinking he's probably in a nasty cell with people he doesn't know or trust, with the world on his shoulders. All I did was picture me holding him.

I was promoting 'I will never let you down' from then on. When I sing it I think of both Adam and Chris. It killed me a little. I've never really been dishonest with Chris, I've always told him how I feel whether he likes it or not. But I've only been dishonest about Chris with Adam. It's driving me crazy as I'm starting to get serious with Adam, but I don't want to let Chris down. It's ironic.

The really care for each other <3
How long will Chris be in jail for?
Will Rita be honest to Adam?

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