Chapter 9: Full Of Da Bullshit.

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Rita POV

I'm doing X factor now it's the start of November and we are in the midst of the live shows. So during the week I've been keeping myself busy with mentoring my acts, photo shoots, charity events etc. Today we are going to visit Chris for lunch; as far as I know he's been busy finishing touch ups for the release of his album and rehearsing, for the shows in December.


When we (me, Elena and Kyle) get there he's in the middle of dancing to Fine China last chorus.

..*I'm not dangerous../when your mine..*

"Hold up, hold up!... Jesse stop messing about, this is a tour, a professional show. Chris could easily hire another dancer to take your spot. You obviously have some sentimental value to him, so start acting like a professional and stop fucking up for everyone here. Wouldn't you agree Chris." Chris's choreographer Guy says to Jesse.

"Yeah Jes--" Chris is interrupted by Jesse, it wouldn't be the first time.

"Aye come on Chris, you know I'm just playin, shit you know I wouldn't fuck up on the real show. Right?" He say punching Chris on the arm playfully. Chris notices me.

"Bro, act professional NOW. I ain't playing, Guy's right, I could replace you in a second-"

"We been bros forever don't joke like that-"

"I wouldn't if you weren't actin up... let's have lunch break." He says picking up his bag and a towel.

"I'll be a minute." Chris says going to shower.

Chris POV

When I walk back in Rita's smiling at me, but then Jesse pushes me out the way... to go and flirt with them. I lose my smile, Rita does as well. I just kneel down as if to check everything in my bag.

"Lets go Princess!" Rita says standing above me. I think she ignored Jesse.

"Yeah, lets go stinky." I smile.

We (Me, Chad, Jesse and two other dancers With Elena, Kyle, Rita, Rita's twin friends and brother from The US) bought food into the eating space at the dance studio. They have these benches like back at school. Obviously I sit next to Rita.

We finish eating, conversation is fine. Then Jesse opens his mouth making the conversation worse. He acts like I'm his best friend, he's just my dancer, I can get along with him dancing, but he ain't my homeboy.

"Chris ain't got shit for relationships either, he hopeless, ahahaha." Jesse says trying to be funny.

"Don't talk about stuff like that round me." I say looking down at my hands.

"Why, you got nothing to hide, everyone know already that you lonely."Jesse says.

"Jesse, shut the fuck up, stop talking bullshit. You don't know him" Rita says in my defence.

"Pshhh. Now your girl here sticking up for you, oh wait she ain't your girl. Cause your lonely. Stop being all humble and shit nigga, when we all know you have a big ego, and your selfish!" He yells.

Now everyone's telling him to be quiet.

"aight, aight, leave it! just leave it! Jesse. This isn't the time place." I say interrupting everyone.

"You just to scared to talk bout it bro."He says.

"No, people here got better things to do. If you've got a problem with me, talk to me alone. Okay?"

"whatever nigga!" He says leaving.

I look at my hands, playing with them, I can feel Rita's eyes on me and then her hand rubbing my back gently.

"scuse me." I say getting up, tapping Rita on the face with my finger winking at her and leaving in a different direction.

Jesse full of da bullshit. Dramatic or what.

Leave a comment and shit.

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