Chapter 2: True Family Stick Together.

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Chris POV

It's lonely and I feel empty and full of bullshit at the same time.

I'm not blaming her because it's my fault, but ever since me and Rita fell out, I lost most of my friends to her. Not that they looked bad at me or said bad things, just that they chose Rita. I'd choose Rita to. I'm just a little lonely from people I loved.

I messed up. I've become who I didn't want to become.
I've let everyone down. I feel embarrassed, humiliated.
And now I'm in this jail with the wrong crowd because I let my anger take the best of me.
I started hanging round gangs, drug dealer types, the type of people who don't take shit from anyone and are easily aggravated. Also the type of people who are a bad influence on me.
At least Rita was a good influence, we still rebelled, but she softened me up, because of her I'd rather stay in and watch a movie than go to a club.
Thinking of her makes me smile... up to a point, I let her down so bad.
I've been on my own my whole life more or less. And now it's haunting me again.

I'm just sat curled up on this bed in a small cell. They moved me to Pentonville Prison, in London. I'm around the type of gangsters that beat up Kaz. I wonder where I'd be now if he was still here. Wonder if I'd be with Rita. I'm dreaming about her; good daydreams, nightmares at night.

Most of the people in this jail had nothing to lose. I lost everything. Plus they all know who I am so they act like I'm there 'homeboy' and then fight over me it's fucked up. I don't want to have self pity or dwell in my sadness. It's hard. I want to be out of here, with my family, friends, my old friends, Rita... They've probably disowned me by now...

I confused because the whole situation and what happened seems so... fake? Or set up? Now I look back. Maybe it's me just being pop-star whose suspicious of everyone.

I hate my life I'd rather be dead.

Rita POV

When I was back in London early March I went to see Chris's family with my mom and sister. I wanted to see Chris I didn't know if he was allowed visitors, in fact I didn't even know where he was. The media keep bullying the hell out of him, making him seem worse than he is. They don't know he grew up bullied, people hurting him, they don't know he watched is friend murdered in front of him. I just hope and pray he's not hearing any of this from inside the prison.


"Hello My darling!.. Hi V(my mom)" Chris's Aunt says opening the door.


"Are these for me?" She asks whilst I hand her a bunch of flowers.


"Come in, come in, I'll put the kettle on." She says leading us into the living room. Chris bought this house for them, it's not huge and luxurious, his family wouldn't except that, but it's in a nicer neighborhood outside Notting hill where me and Chris grew up.
It's a school day so saffron and Drew are at school and Uncle Jack is working.

After drinking tea, and talking a little I ask about Chris, that's why I came really. Every time I look at a picture of him in the room I start to tune out of what Aunt K is saying.

"So..have you seen Chris? Is he alright?" I ask.

"No I haven't seen him. I... it's just...well...I don't want to look bad. And Jack says that maybe we should give him some space. He can obviously be... or at the moment is quite.. or can be.. a bit easily aggravated. You know. I wouldn't want to.. you know.. set him off."

For a moment I freeze looking at her like 'what the actual fuck'. Not even looking at my Mom or sister.

"But he's family..." I frown. "That shouldn't matter. I doubt he'll want space, all his life he's been left alone.... I'm sorry Aunt K for going off like this, but he's your fucking nephew!"

"Rita?--" My mum says trying to stop my bad language.

"No!.. I'm sure he'd want to see you straight away. I don't give a fuck what he's done because I already love him for who he is and what he's like. He wouldn't hurt anyone. He's obviously been under the wrong influence." She raises her eyebrows at me. "I might just take some of the blame, because ever since me and him stopped talking he's seem to have gone down hill. I'm not giving up on him, even if he gave up on me. You're family obviously have different morals to mine. I can't believe you." I say standing up to leave. I'm now welling up my heart hurts for Chris.

Elena cuts in talking, holding my hand so I don't leave. "K that's really selfish." She says. At this point my Mom looks a bit impartial, not wanting to take sides after all her and K are best friends. "How do Saffron and Drew feel. Saffrons a teen surely people at school would be gossiping. Is she not having a hard time?.."

"I don't want to have this conversation anymore. I just want to see him." I say starting to cry. I think Aunt K feels a bit humiliated by what she said, the words coming out her mouth were Jacks, not hers. Jack never wanted Chris to do the job he's doing. He probably sees this as a punishment for him or something. It's still selfish. My mom squeezes my hand a little  and says "alright baby" very quietly as I leave, Elena follows.


"So you want to see him?" Elena asks. We are in an London Cab now. Tears have been streaming down my face, I'm still crying a little. "As soon as possible.. i still can't make sense of what she said." I look out the window.

"I know, it was so out of place, I swear K and Jack gave Chris enough attention." Elena says trying to find out where Chris is.

"It was definitely the words Jack put in her mouth." I'm on a quiet rampage to Elena now. "This means no ones visited him. None of his 'friends' would, I know what there like... this means he's alone in that cell." As I start to picture him it sets me off crying again. Elena finding more tissues for me. I see tears in her eye, all my family have so much time and respect him.
Before I earned a decent amount of money for my family, Chris used to give my family a £1000 allowance a month. And he never forgot a birthday, he called us up occasionally to check we were good, even if we hadn't seen him in months. We never did anything big for him, so I always confused us why he was so kind. Now I see why so clearly; he's never really had anyone as close like mom or dad, so he treats us, because it makes him feel good. He does so much secret charity work as well, it's unbelievable. He's always had to battle on his own for what he thinks is right, but fighting a battle on your own doesn't always work, and now he's lost one. The least I could do is spend time with him. Also because I love him sooooooo much I want to see him.


The next day me, Elena and mom go to the jail.
Last night Aunt K called apologising sincerely. I forgave as I couldn't care less how she feels, because I know how I feel.
Elena and my Mom came with me but they agreed that i should go and see him on my own as I have always been the closest; there I admit it.


Chris POV

"Christopher Brown, you have a visitor today." I look up as the warden opens my cell door to guide me out with another officer.
It's actually got me excited. I don't care who it is. Anyone's face out there is friendlier than in here.
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