Chapter 14: Depressed Chris.

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Chris POV

Right now I just want to runaway from the drama, buy a beach house and live there with my dog, My cousins and Rita. No one bothering me. Just to live at peace with the world and myself.

But that's just a dream I had last night. I think I'm crazy but maybe I just know too much. I feel quite lost.

I just go down hill every time, but i can't understand what's wrong with me. I like who I am. It makes me depressed, because there is the one person who does get me, who is barely around. I can't win.

They say don't live in hope, take action now. Well that's bullshit. Imma live in hope if I want. Imma trust no one if I want. There's no law. Humanity is supposed to be extinct right now, but no. We had to be stubborn and create this shitty natural reasoning brain, which means we talk and have feelings for each other. We go on dates. We live in fear. We have anxiety. We have hope. We have depression. We have family. We have love and hate. We have Burger King, of which I own a few stores, so I get FREE shit.

But it's stupid. Of all animals we are the most savage. We put other animals in buildings for entertainment/research/to make MONEY. Lions, rabbits, aardvarks and antelopes don't need that shit. They live to eat food, drink, SURVIVE, take a shit, kill prey maybe, reproduce, then die. But no humans weren't having it. And now I'm in a fucking crisis.

They say men and women are supposed to be equal, in all for that shit and feminism. But if you look at animals; male animals are supposed impregnate female animals, and then move along and do the same to another. So don't act like men are wrong for cheating if it's a part of (most of) their nature. When women cheat it's more likely going to be out of jealousy and emotion.

I'm going to shut up now with this rant. This what happens when something goes wrong. I get deep and morbid.

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