Always Out Of Reach Ignoring Every Sign

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For once in my life I couldn't deny,
I thought that I'd found my everything,
A lover a friend, the hours we would spend just doing nothing at all

It was a long day in late April, and while the sun was sending its last warm rays towards the earth, a dark veil called Night had already set in on the eastern horizon and swallowing the world over England into a quite rapidly emerging darkness. Within a few minutes, there was a blackness that could only be seen once a month. In the coming, as well as in the following night, the moon would not be seen. Under these circumstances and the current good weather situation, the stars gained a little bit of luminosity due to the missing moon and thus radiated. At least as long as no man-made light came into play, and thus the magic of the firmament was taken tragically. Only if you were really in a remote place and thus far away from all the big cities, one was granted a breathtaking view into the infinite expanse of the universe.

At the current hour, when most people slowly began to think about going to bed, all the former and present members were around Take That on a huge estate and celebrated the birthday of their common friend and band mate Howard Donald. While he was from now on fifty years of age and still felt young and crisp despite the advancing age, today one had his problems with the fact that the time is currently more than agonizingly slow before. With the feeling that time had stopped somehow and that had been going on for months, the host of the birthday party, Gary, sat on the broad steps of a stepped staircase leading to his huge garden and was almost catatonic after his thoughts. The empty gaze directed forward, now and then leading to two of his friends, who were somewhere apart from him and wandering around, and holding an almost drowned bottle of vodka in his hands, left the image of a completely self-absorbed Gary somehow to be desired. Something was wrong with him. For a few weeks, he seemed as if his whole world had lost all meaning. Where really everything imaginable only can ran continuously down the stream and this more and more towards an unstoppable and deep depression. What would be happening, too, if he did not get together soon and resume his previous, orderly life. It had to be done more than urgently ... before he finally drowned all his worries with alcohol and sought the solution of all problems desperately on the grounds of a vodka bottle or the like.

"A beautiful evening, isn't it?" Gary suddenly heard a loud voice and made him feel even tighter in his body than he already was.

Since he already knew by the voice of who it was, Gary didn't even look up to this one person, and on his question only gave a simple and dumb shrug. To an oral statement about whether this evening had a certain appeal to beauty, Gary could somehow not pull up. Why should he, when he was at that time, seek his salvation in the world of alcohol, and thus make himself self-sufficient? When the said person, shortly afterwards, settled down on the steps and gazed at him with light sorrows, Gary felt the sudden urge to jump, and in a rather rude way by his friend, who was also the birthday present Promptly remove. ...What he didn't do after all.

Instead of letting Howard escape, he finally tried to get rid of the unavoidable by asking quietly and monotonously what the older one wanted from him at all.

"I ...I just wanted to thank you for celebrating my birthday party here. You should definitely know that that really means a lot to me ...and especially after what has been going on in the last two years." Howard tried to expand her conversation further and thanked his friend for that he organized this party here for him.

"No subject," Gary pointed out in a hurry, who thought it self-evident and hoped that this had been all.

With that one hope that there was not any more, Gary went to his slightly wobbly legs and only wanted to leave. He needed distance. After all, he had not looked for loneliness for about three-quarters of an hour. It had not been completely unfounded, and by the way, it was by no means the case that he wanted to be absolutely undisturbed, just so that he could pour himself unseen with alcohol. No. The real point was that he wanted to think about what had just happened in his life, and how he had to continue. In order to make the whole thing more bearable, he had nothing better than to have a vodka bottle to go with.

"Hey, Gaz. Wait for a moment," Howard could not let him pull it so easily, and grabbed it roughly on the upper arm.

"Let me go. You're hurting me." Even though Gary wanted to continue the mute, he had no choice but to tell Howard that he hurt him unintentionally.

"Sorry," the larger man instantly dismissed him from his obviously too firm grip and then tried to find out what was wrong with his little friend, "Is everything really all right with you?"

"Yes," Gary lied to him and disowned himself.

"Now come on Gaz. You really want to make me know that everything is okay with you? ...We all see that you are obviously fighting for something. Believe it or not, but no one wants to force you into something you don't want. You do not have to talk. OK? It is only important to us that you shouldn't remain alone in this constitution."

"In what constitution do you think I should be? By the time you were up, everything had been okay ...and since you were married to Jay, you sounded just like him. It may be that both of you are destined for each other, but that does not mean that you have to imitate his psychic giver. What has just become of the good old Howard, with whom I could still have a regular conversation for hours?"

"He's still me. Nothing has changed. ...Just because I am now a happily married man does not mean that you can't talk to me anymore. Just come back in and then ..." Howard assured him that since his wedding with Jason, which was a little more than two years ago, nothing had changed between them, and he was about to ask him to come back together Went into the house and talked to the sunrise over every conceivable shit, which came to their minds at all.

"And then what? Do I get into Dolby Surround something like a homily to listen, just because I want to be straight alone? ...For weeks, you have been besieging me as if I were the Pope himself. Is it too much to ask for, if I want to have time?" Gary climbed into it more and more.

"We're just worried."

"You can give it to yourself. For all of you, it has been a long time since only shit ...and something like that again scolds to themselves friendship." Gary felt the whole thing more than time-consuming and was the absolute and loud opinion that his friends had just completely forgotten the last and quite eventful years.

Years, which were easy for him as anything else and he couldn't even forget them in the least. Accordingly Gary also wished nothing more than ardently that everything came anyhow, finally, sometimes to an end. Just lie down to sleep and hope he never woke up again. On the one hand, Gary had no interest in volunteering in the hands of the grim reaper, but on the other hand, he did not want to live on. That what his friends called life, was for him already for a period of time no longer exist. With the ever-growing feeling of emptiness, which until recently was hard in his stomach, and now, thanks to Howard, completely filled, Gary finally sought out the distance and left his friend so simply.

If you have any thoughts, you can tell it me. No matter what it is. Let it out. 😉

You'll Always Be A Part Of Me... - Take That FF   (in English)Where stories live. Discover now