Since I Saw You Last

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After the news that the Take That singer Gary Barlow had disappeared without a trace was made public in England, the rest of the world soon became aware of the fact that the United Kingdom missed one of its most important national heroes. Although most of the big TV stations and newspapers responded to this, they also took care of this matter to help with the search around the world, but only a few reports came in, where some actually claimed to have wanted to see Gary. Unfortunately, it proved to be a duck every time. The one or the other view had perhaps a certain slight similarity, but the actual search remained disappeared. There was not even the slightest indication of where he had been. If you didn't know any better, you could now claim that Gary was swallowed up. As a result, the question soon arose whether he was still alive at all. Because with every day that went to much too far land, the fear grew ever more immeasurable that any Gary's rotting corpse could be found in a stinking alley.

But that was a thought, with which one like Robbie did not want to deal. He was more than absolutely certain that his little friend was still alive. The question was just where? Where would he be hiding?

Several years passed and while the world, already after not even an entire year had declared the missing pop star either as untraceable or in part even for dead, the former entertainer and singer Robbie Williams, unlike one like Howard, Jason or Mark, in spite of such headlines, by no means prevent them from searching completely alone for Gary. He wouldn't stop until he had found him. Even if his little friend, according to rumors, had already found his death, he wanted to know already a strong proof in his hands. But as long as he did not have anything in that direction or even saw Gary's corpse, but Robbie could do without anything more than anything else, he didn't want to be so simple. Regardless of what was in his way, Robbie showed a more than amazing inner strength, which encouraged him to continue fighting. It was a fight on a high level. In addition to the various natural catastrophes and a number of other possible dangers lurking outside him in the wide world, he also fought against himself.

As soon as Robbie had almost finished a foreseeable, unsuccessful and energy-consuming year, his darkest side tried to persuade him that it was all a waste of time and that he didn't even see Gary again until his life. With the resultant self-doubt, as well as that of the complete discouragement, he was really close to ending this lifelong search just so, and to forget his friend with it once and for all. But what finally didn't come into a question. No. This one friend, who had been more than a brother to him, and he had already gone through this darkest hell with him, it was definitely worth him to sacrifice him one hundred percent. ...That he went to the other side of the world for him.

So, after a four-year search, Robbie was now on the Australian continent and tried his luck there. Who knows, maybe all the many kangaroos and koala bears had seen the missing Gary. Ironically, he could even imagine how one of the kangaroos threw a more than very cautious, curious and quite desperate look in the bag and asked loudly for the presence of his friend.

But now joking aside, having already left behind the very large cities like Darwin in the north, Sydney in the east, and southeast Melbourne, as well as their nearer surroundings, he finally moved to the west of Perth. If his search there also proved as a relapse, it should then probably be that he rented as usual also a rental car and thus by the Australian Outback boards. Somehow, it was logical that Gary would be more hidden in a much smaller and more unknown place than in any major city. On the other hand, it was quite conceivable that this man was constantly in motion and left the place without further ado after only a few months. For if it were really so, this search could involve more than just his remaining life, until one day he could no longer find his own death somewhere on the street.

As the city of Perth, as well as the suburbs in their mining offices, had no a missing pop star, Robbie finally got himself on a rather adventurous ride, which he would not soon forget. A journey, that should change its own life from the ground up and sustainably.

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