Why Do You Bring Me To My Knees

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Hours passed. While on the eastern horizon the sun slowly showed its warm face and thus the still virgin and deep blue skies climbed, the eternal darkness disappeared visibly and the first birds already went on the great food search. With the dawn of the new day, which could not be more beautiful in itself, the light of the world came back again and announced, at least for the time being, a very beautiful time for the next few hours. But what was meant here now, ...at least for the time being? Was there something like a hidden message in these words? That in the further course of the day there was something that no one expected? And how would it look like a scandal that would turn round all England and trigger more than a pure and general shake of the head?

As the sun tried to heat the surrounding cool air with its warm rays, the long-lasting silence was suddenly interrupted by a slightly agonizing groan. After a rather strange and dreadful dream, Mark found more than at last a way out of his unconsciousness, which had at some time in the middle of the night passed to a normal sleep rhythm, he seized himself thereby the head, which him the worst pain for a long time as well.

God. These headaches still killed him.

Mark was absolutely certain that yesterday he had drunk only a single and tiny glass of champagne and no more. Before Howard could spend half a century on his missing hump in the following year, he wanted to at least honor him by saying good-bye to him from his forties. It had been thought of only for pushing. At the same time, Mark had no interest whatsoever to go to the next corner together with Robbie and to revive her little alcoholics club. So, why did an extremely annoying woodpecker hammer his way into his head so much? However, he felt that he wanted to build his own republic.

As he had apparently spent the night in front of a bank, he was now using them to help him get back on his two wobbly legs and then had to sit down because of the sudden feeling of dizziness. While waiting for the carousel to end as soon as possible, Mark tried to review the last hours before the light was turned off. At first he remembered only that he had a serious conversation with Robbie and, to make him think differently, had been a little crazy. As far as he got the whole thing, the rest hid behind a heavy and pitch-black curtain.

But as a more accurate picture was denied him, Mark rubbed the last sand grains from his corner of his eyes and hoped that a somewhat less sleepy look would suffice to get a much better picture. Only a tiny puzzle piece, he did not want any more. But instead of a single remembrance, Mark was haunted by a stinging pain, whereupon he breathed the air through the clenched teeth hissing. Although the warming sun was trying to take the icy feeling of an inner cold, he was given another pain. With the careful touch of his left cheek, he could feel a rather vulgar injury, which had to be sewn.

As soon as the dizzy feeling was more than finally passed, Mark walked instantly on the legs and wanted only one thing. This inner cold, which had also settled in his bones and now completely filled him, again to get rid of and as fast as possible. Without further thoughts about any events of the last evening, he finally made his way back, whereupon the first step gave a more than clear crunch, thus attracting all his attention. When his questioning glance slid to the ground and saw a completely shattered vodka bottle, the memories of the last night came back to him immediately.


After he had run after him to feel his friend's gentleness on the tooth and finally found him in a very bad condition, he was suddenly declared a target by the otherwise so peaceful Gary.

What in God's name was only going on with Gary? The fact that he was now also beginning to beating his friends unconsciously testified to how he had been struggling with himself and questioning his entire life. Why did he do that at all? He couldn't be happier in himself. He had made his tale of dreams true and by the way had great friends in whom he had found his family.

Because since his fourteen-fifteen year, when he was sadly kicked out of his real family by the door, Gary was completely on his own and had to watch as he came along. It really hurt him that his parents didn't want to know about any future plans in the music world and were not enthusiastic about them. They had thought that their son was doing decent learning and later on a more everyday job, which should remind him of where he came from. Since Gary wasn't even interested in sitting down at a desk and pursuing any kind of paperwork, he broke off the school simply because of defiance and because he didn't want to give up his dream. The consequence of this was that his family finally turned away from him and thus ultimately came to the door. It had then lasted for the three four years until, in Manchester, where Gary was now drawn, he was approached by a man who had seen him playing the piano and singing in a bar, whether he wouldn't want to join him and to become part of a Boyband. Although Gary had actually seen himself on the stage by this time, he had said that without much thought about it. This was his great opportunity to establish himself in the huge music world and make a name for himself. For who had voluntarily renounced the adventure of his life to finally get out of the way? Surely no-one and a second offer he would not get guaranteed again. ... That was the birth of Take That.

From this point, the rest was only history, at least until two and a half years ago.

Looking back over the past two three years, so much had been done that not only did the overview get lost, but one or the other less eventful fact of their common history was swept under the non-existent carpet and thus completely forgotten. But what Gary was all about in this story was just Gary alone. In addition, he wasn't an open book purely emotionally and so even one of his so-called friends didn't possess the ability to cast a glance into his inner being and thus was difficult to say what his problem was. With whatever he had to fight, it had to burden him so much that Gary could no longer help himself by looking for a distance from everyone. A distance, that grew from day to day. If that were so far, Gary would at some time take a distance, where his friends wouldn't see him then.

When Mark finally managed to leave a mile-long distance behind him, he stepped slowly to the terrace, until he finally stopped in front of a glass door and opened it quietly. As soon as he had taken the first step inside, Mark turned around and as he closed the door again, a voice came from behind him, asking where he came from. As if in slow motion, he finally turned to the person who had spoken to him at his request. Jason.

"Hey Mark. Where do you come from? I thought you were still sleeping the sleep of the righte... - For heaven's sake, Mark. So, what do you look like? What happened? " Jason scowled at Mark's sight and hurried to come to his side instantly, reaching for a blanket.

"G... Gary!"

If you have any thoughts, you can tell it me. No matter what it is. Let it out. 😉

You'll Always Be A Part Of Me... - Take That FF   (in English)Where stories live. Discover now