They Don't Need To See You Cry

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After a felt eternity, which had passed in the real time but just around the four five minutes, the ambulance ordered by Mark drove more than finally at last and a visibly desperate Jason, which was completely finished, still couldn't get into the life returned Gary to the care of the paramedics. Without going into the question, since when he already carried out this resuscitation here, the unselfish Briton finally simply went back without a word and left the progression to the professionals. In his opinion, he had done all that was in his power and yet Jason couldn't do much. With hanging shoulders he stood at Mark's side and watched as he gave his little friend a half-hug, the mute. Although Gary had completely become estranged from them, this rather unforgettable and frightening event took the both more than they admitted themselves.

"I have something here, but the pulse is pretty weak! ...", the voice of one of the attending paramedics suddenly tore this intolerable tension into two halves and had therefore at first what releasing, however, the follower, let every thinkable up and upcoming hope immediately again collapse in itself: "...His state is extremely unstable and if he is not during the next ten fifteen minutes in the hospital, it will be already too late."

Then on this one sentence, everything happened quite fast. After Gary with few handles was laid on a mobile carrying and was brought shortly after in wind haste to the ambulance, it also immediately went in the nearest hospital.

But as neither Jason nor Mark were about to leave Gary's side, the two of them were lucky enough to go with the permission, so they could actually remain in the constant nearness of their mutual friend. During this trip, which lasted just five minutes, and felt like a half-eternity for the two boys, each one of them began to believe that they wouldn't reach their destination in time. It was really the purest torture, and at some time to be able to overcome it, they instantly escaped to a world where everything was still in order, and hopefully soon afterwards, that Gary was no longer fond of death and that the right-kinked friends had no more to worry about. ...

Two days passed. After the blackest world in which Gary had still been till a few seconds and had eked out therefore in an absolute darkness seen never there his existence, was flooded by a white-blue and cold-active light very sudden and was illuminated therefore till the smallest corner, three silhouettes which got closer again slowly indeed always opened before his eyes and in an exceedingly big distance. Even the constant and not sometimes in the beginning the stopping echo which was caused of those and contained only one single word brought the before still invincible distance with a pure-growing and varying voice more and more to the glaze and released with Gary with it immense fear. Panic climbed up. The fact that he was here in a completely different place, as he had planned and wanted it, couldn't be more obvious. Instead of in a burning world which was also called hell there was Gary, why also always, on the way to get him out of here. ...Back in the rather painful, awful and bitter-tasting reality where he didn't even had the slightest future.

When the three silhouettes were so dangerous close to him that they had a suitable face, which Gary knew only too well for his suffering, he felt shortly after something so like an extremely painful blow in the middle of his face which forced him properly to a position change on which he proceeded presently in the foetus position beloved constantly. Gary also wanted to prevent one like Howard, Jason or Mark from further exasperating his pain and, consequently, spreading too much salt in a never-healed wound. But due to the fact, that he was unjustly tied to his high-waisted bed-lattice with his left wrist and the right was bandaged because of the sprain, he had no choice but to lie on his left side. Because, however, around his left wrist some handcuffs were and he was tied up with it now in unfair manner to the highly sedate bed grid, this position change could be carried out only on the left side. While he took this, he still got of Jason on the fact to hear that this should serve exclusively only for his protection. Shortly after he had pressed one half of his face into the pillow, Gary fled, like already so often also, in a selfcreated and mysterious world. So no one could follow him, and so he stared, with a dead look, into the eternal emptiness.

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