So Much Better When I Close My Eyes

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As soon as Gary had once again taken the flight, there was more than this terrible silence, where the friends then delivered a regular and unfair star duel with the door. But no matter how long they did, the first one would sooner or later collapse and voluntarily give up this senseless fight. What, however, was only a matter of time. In that case, it took only two three minutes for one to lower his gaze and give himself to the silence just so. Under these circumstances, a discomfort grew, which made the whole thing even more intolerable than it already was, and none of the present here ever felt so. With every single second, who for nothing and again nothing went into the country, likewise the desire rose to want to do something, only to be able to tackle this terrible silence. But no one ever dared to make the start and thus melt the proverbial ice, where they finally broke in and landed in the icy cold water. But one had to take pity and jump over his own shadow. No matter who it was, he should get this jump as soon as possible.

"Oh God. ...What did I just say?" Howard finally and in an eternity, aware of what he'd said to Gary the other day, whispered, rubbing both hands over his slightly pale face.

Now he felt something of bad, as it had been for a long time. He knew, like the other three guys, that Gary was on his own at fourteen fifteen years, and since then had tried to take the first real and serious step into the gigantic world of music. So far it was always assumed that Gary had lost his parents with a car accident or the similar, but not with something like that. This also explained why their mutual friend had felt somehow excluded from them in the last and before those years, and why he always made a close when the theme of his own family or the personal past arose. This gave Gary a whole new picture, which made it clear why he was so keen on success in the nineties. Gary wanted to prove to his parents that he could live with a long-felt dream with the help of his newfound family. But now that he seemed to have lost everything, he had probably thought he had to lead the life which was intended for him. One that was far away from all his problems and he could forget everything that his life had ever dreamed of and imagined.

"Now I understand, what he meant by the fact that his past would catch up with him again. ...That explains a lot." Jason now understood why Gary was all the time fixed on the success and, incidentally, made sure they knew all of them in the same boat.

After all, they hadn't once called him the captain. In fact, Gary had always been someone who could be unconditionally looked up. Someone who had not only impressed them with his extraordinary talent and led the world, but one who had been more than a very good friend for each of them. One who also liked to care about their needs and thus came across as a brother, almost like a father figure.

But with the current knowledge that Gary had an extremely unpleasant past and tried to leave it behind somehow and give the whole thing something to live, the friends instantly felt that they had never really known him. In hindsight, however, their common and former friend was still the same in a certain way. Except for his appearance and the manner in which he gave himself to his counterpart, Gary had by no means changed in the last few years. He thought and felt the same as before an eternity. Even though they initially had difficulties to recognize him, he was more than clear.

"And I always thought his parents were killed in a car accident or the like." Howard pointed out in a barely intelligible whisper.

"We had all thought that." Jason was of the same opinion.

"I had always felt like he hides what from us. But that his own parents had just put him on the street and he died in their eyes must really hurt. ...Even after so many years. ...Only I don't understand how he gets on that I keep his private luck from him." Mark was able to understand how Gary had to feel in relation to his own family, but not why he was the final one in him Destroyer of his life so far.

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