Wait! There's Something That I Want To Say

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A/N *** Actually, I wanted to upload this chapter here on Sunday, but because of the celebrations for Gary's birthday, which is by the way also my own, there is the new already today. *** A/N

As soon as Howard had finished reading the letter, the charm around Gary's voice was just as fast as it had been, and so they tried to recall the words. But it didn't help. After ridding the mind of an unread document, it could not be reversed. Only the written words remained. Gary had now completely disappeared and became more than unattainable for the friends. Was this really the last time that they had heard the wonderful sound of her common and obviously almost desperate friend, who longed for a simple change after whatever? He could not seriously consider that? What was he running like this from now on?

Before his past, which allegedly threatened him to catch up again?

Before his friends, who apparently appeared to be all-too-trivial and just because he felt somehow discriminated against by them?

Or, was it more before itself?

No matter what reason Gary had fled, none of the remaining guys could say for sure.

"I cannot believe it. ...Gary runs away from home?" Mark broke the icy silence after an eternity and just didn't understand what his one year old friend wanted to do with it.

"I'd say he's running away from himself. Apparently Gaz thinks that he has to throw away his whole life just because it is his fate. ...Perhaps we had really exaggerated a bit lately, forced ourselves on him," Howard feared that they were not entirely innocent of Gary's departure.

"You don't mean to say that Gaz is only cut off because we have forced him against the feeling of inadequacy because of our behavior and so the guilt is to be found with us?" Mark immediately understood what this was saying to him, "It may be that for a few months we have been concentrating more on ourselves and thereby kept our friendship as self-evident, but that's still not a reason to think that he's shitty. He would have better know that this is not true and we are like brothers. We had even made it easy for him and gave him the chance to open up, but for some reason he preferred to be in silence."

"So if you ask me, I think both as well. ...The fact, that he simply gives up everything in this way shows that he has a profound problem with himself. However, it is not excluded that we could be in a sense responsible with it. I do not know why he sees the complicit in us, but it's clear to me that he runs away from us, too." Jason thought it was certain that Gary's problems went much deeper than they thought Might have to do with the friends themselves.

"No. I cannot and will not tell you of the best will I could be responsible for Gary's escape," Mark just did not believe.

"And how do you explain his farewell letter, where he is stiff and firm in asserting that we belong to the people who make him feel that nothing has changed in his life? This is clearly against us."

"But I did not do anything to Gary."

"That is it. No one has done anything to him and yet he thinks of us that we are no longer a good friend with him and have driven him to escape. ...I see that just like Doug, we should have given Gaz a little more space, then the whole might not have happened."

"Hey, Rob. Wait. What are you up to?" Mark suddenly noticed that Robbie, with a slightly hanging head, quietly and secretly turned away from the small group, apparently running away from their current situation.

"Guess what? I will look for my friend and then hopefully convince him that he cannot leave me so easily. ...I mean, of course, to ourselves. That he should come back home. ...You can all stand around here and talk about why Gaz doesn't want us around anymore or what we are supposed to have done to him, but I will by no means see how he throws away his whole life And thus goes into exile at all times. No. Certainly not. ...I'm not going to let that happen." Robbie explained to his remaining and debating friends in an uproarious voice that he was going to do everything he could to get Gary back from his path of obvious self-destruction.

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