Someone Said The Truth Will Out

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Why did it hurt him so badly that he wanted to be dead rather than keep it in mind that he still had nothing at all in this world and that his life had not been worth a penny in years? Who would ever want to continue living under these circumstances at all? Gary wasn't at all, and he did not care whether he had a gigantic fear before dying or not. This deep hole of eternal damnation, which now filled him with his abundantly wounded soul, once and for all made his own death, drove him into a final emptiness which a human being had never before experienced. An emptiness that even rose to the head and caused dizzying thoughts, which could then lead to an inevitable, short-circuit reaction. Why did it finally come ...and not just once.

At first, he ran head over heels, and after his past had even followed him to Australia, he had probably seen no other possibilities than to take his own life. But what was prevented by two of his "oh so good" and former friends. Why did they have to bring him back to life? Why? For him, it was simply incomprehensible what they wanted from him. Yet no one had a reason to look for a gutted wreck that had been slaughtered or to mourn afterwards. From his point of view, he wasn't even worth a single tear. For who wanted him already? While he had already blessed the temporal for two specific people and was considered dead, he was now also for one such as Howard and Jason. So there remained only Mark and Robbie left, where the two weren't exactly better. After Howard and Jason had already demonstrated it to them, two younger lived their small life by no means differently and explained with the biggest security, a rather successful solo career and they dusted them or other golden or silver record.

God. Why was he really just doing it himself? Just the thought that Mark and Robbie really had everything he had ever dreamed of, destroyed his cold and unfeeling heart of glass more than finally in the thousands of shards. While there was a gigantic cul-de-sac in his interior, causing him numerous and quite painful injuries, the tears grew more and more hot, so he began to cry softly.

After half an eternity, where Gary had already felt sickened by his tears and was no longer able to squeeze them, he could feel somewhere in his immediate vicinity, which was very familiar to him. Whenever a certain person sneaked at his side, he was always seized by the one and the same feeling that brought him to the fore and the moment. In hindsight, however, he had to stand still, that he had never experienced this feeling so intensively. Perhaps it was only because he was trying to forget the person behind him, as if he had been desperate for four years. Why was he here at all? Although it was said him, he could not understand the reason sometimes in the least. Who proceeded then quite voluntarily on the search for him? In his opinion, there was no one. In addition, he had even had to say a few days ago that no one turned around after him and was therefore not worth a single thought to continue to deal with him. But why did he recall this event? What had Gary got? He could not seriously punish himself, just because a serious mistake had ensued. ...Gary shouldn't have pulled the injured Robbie out of his scrap vehicle.

When, on his back, his right hand, where his letters L-O-V-E had been tattooed on his fingers, placed him on his shoulder and placed a small kiss on his temple, Gary soon afterwards got problems with his breathing which stoked him a certain longing more and more uncommonly. A longing, which then screamed finally wanted to come to rest. Somehow, the whole thing had even here of an ever-lasting forest fires, where no one could even begin to extinguish this gigantic fire and thus freed Gary from his burning prison. But hardly had Gary had noticed Robbie's gentle lips on his temple. He was purely emotionally opposed to a monstrous conflagration and burned him unhindered invisible scars. In his mind, the memory came back to him when he had done it last. But what was now around the eleven years.

God. How much he missed the good old days. To make music together with his four guys, to travel around the world and to raise the hearts of the fans.

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