What A Shame We Never Listened

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After half an eternity where the earth had to have walked within three quarters of an hour already to the felt hundredth times around the sun, was Gary still in an absolute and painful emptiness which wanted to allow to overthrow some demanded and quite apparently in the death from him. While his whole life, which in a certain sense was already comparable from the beginning with a giant black hole, threatened him now and now more than definitively to banish his time once and for all into the eternal and dark shadows of this world. Where the devil lived and waited for him longingly. That he came to be the prince of the burning underworld, as well as of his like the lost souls, was as safe for Gary as the Amen in the church. Since completely somewhere else there he would not come guaranteed.

With this perpetual and icy feeling of rejection, which Gary had already known for over thirty-five years as his constant companion, and always placing him really big boulders, he began to tremble after a good while despite the warm temperatures around him and tried to escape this imaginary cold somehow, by embracing himself in a half-protective embrace. In a one, that he was already in. At first, Gary wanted to push Robbie away, but his warmth was just too good. Besides, Robbie simply owned quite a special and more than pleasant kind of the warmth which he best wanted to feel his whole life long. Thus it also hurt him more than all other and tremendously that he was not that for which Robbie gave up himself and gave therefore unconditionally his other and future life. It was someone whom he himself knew well and even once as his own brother. Okay. Gary knew about the very special connection between Robbie and ...Mark, but that the two of them one day so far went to each other to want to marry each other, hurt him but more than anything else. Although that his own parents had put him then simply thus and on account of his dream on the street and since denied his existence was quite painful enough, but that just two his very best friends, soon and quite obviously will enter alliance of the life and he felt for one of them more than friendship, tore be already anyway broken heart around next time in several halves and left therefore even more immense pain back with which Gary couldn't simply handle.

Just because of his immortal love for Robbie, though he had begrudged him from the very first moment, made the whole thing even more complicated and gave to Gary the intolerable feeling that this would also reject him if he knew around his feelings for him. Since as well as he tilts him, if it could also happen absolutely. After all, Robbie was Robbie and because of their common and rather turbulent history, his emotional world looked quite different to him ... and besides, there was still one like Mark. With the Robbie had already understood from the beginning well and swam accordingly on the same wavelength. The whole years, both younger had been just the only ones who had never lost themselves really out of sight. Even after their separation at the time. The friendship between the two, although today it was far more obvious, was indeed something special, and that's exactly why Gary couldn't fight it against. Why should he? Especially since he knew only too well that Robbie could not even the same feelings for him in thousands of years, as he did it ...No. It was completely pointless.

Actually, he could have turned to Howard and Jason, too, but with their wedding, this whole drama began only really at first. Because of the lack of invitation and the subsequent feeling of a new refusal against him, Gary had somehow, for whatever reason, moved back to his place of birth, where after many years he wanted to pay a visit to his parents and show them, what had become meanwhile from him. But the end of the song was that they had not even recognized Gary and had denied the existence of a possible son and denied with an icy cold. From then on, the inner emptiness of rejection, loneliness, and that of lostness grew slowly but surely steadily to a monstrous greatness, until he saw no other choice for himself, than to rethink his whole life and give it up to the end. ...To go to the other end of the world, where he could leave everything behind him and find no one.

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