How Did It Come To This

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After Gary was enveloped in a rather dark night and was no longer to be seen, Howard continued to stare in the direction in which his little friend had disappeared. Now it was official, Gary's problem would have to be considerably larger than had previously been assumed. With whatever he was struggling at the time, it seemed to him that Gary was no longer able to help himself by obviously seeking all his mastery in his friends. But because they lacked the necessary knowledge, why this one of them day by day removed a bit more and responsible for his problems, it appeared to a Howard and, of course, the other three guys, not quite fair. ...And in fact, every single one of them wanted to help Gary only so that he could find himself again and, if necessary, forget all the Problems.

"What happened?" Suddenly a voice came out of the background.

"I don't know." Howard could only produce the words in a whisper, and he simply didn't know how to deal with this very complicated situation, and he turned to him with a quite desperate and helpful look to his spouse, a few For a few seconds.

"Didn't you tell him we were on his side and just wanted to help him?"

"So far I didn't come at all. ...He had not even let me talk."

"Perhaps it would have been better if I had talked to him."

"I doubt it. ...He's been seriously reproaching me for the fact that I'm starting to sound like you do."

"Should I talk to him?" Mark offered himself from the side unasked, who would move slowly to the two elders and would already try for Gary himself.

"No offense, Mark. ...But a voice tells me that you can do something much less than anyone else." Howard did not believe Gary would listen to Mark.

"What the hell is just going with him? How does he come to know that he couldn't care for us? For weeks now, he's been out of our way, as if we had attacked him ...with great personality." Mark simply didn't understand why Gary was getting more and more distant, and he obviously thought of his friends that they could have left him completely in the dark.

"If you ask me, in my opinion, this has been going on for months. ...Whatever Gaz has, he should more than urgently think about opening up to us. For the more he withdraws, the more difficult it becomes for him to lead us with a normal and not a one-sided conversation. ...We need to lure Gary somehow out of the reserve and before it's too late." Jason spoke openly, letting the other guys know that something had to happen as soon as possible.

"I think I should try it. Who knows ...maybe I can even convince Gary that he should at least open one of us." Mark did not want to leave anything untried.

"You don't really believe it, do you? ...I mean, in the worst case, he could feel completely interrogated by us and then does something what is out of character for him." Jason feared that Gary could do something His person did not quite correspond.

"You think he could be ..." Robbie did not bring it over his slightly anxious heart to put the sentence to an end.

"I don't know." Jason didn't know what Gary could do.

While the boys thought that Gary could actually get carried away to a very rash act, they all fell into a deep hole that called silence. Except for the aggravated breathing, which now hung loudly in the air and made the lap incessantly, everything remained quiet, and none of the somewhat unusual quartet could even begin to lead this one thought or even to utter aloud.

"No. I'll be able to prevent that." Mark suddenly felt that he had to do more than absolutely do something about it and wanted to go to the search for his apparently suicidal friend.

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