You Can Look Back, But Don't Stare

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After the friends had quietly watched as their mutual and former friend turned away from them and showed his back in the cold, it seemed to them as slowly as if they just wanted to ignore them. What he had accused of the guys four years ago, he seemed to be doing the same thing with them now. Apparently, Gary wanted to show them how he had once felt in their presence. If this was really the case, why couldn't he communicate with his simplicity? Instead of running away from whatever it is. Gary should really know that they had been there for him without exception and he could sometimes cry out with them, ...which had never been used before.

Although only three minutes had passed and it almost felt like half an eternity, Howard could no longer keep his long anger, which had been built up to this day, and broke this icy silence more than explosively: "Now it's enough for me. ...Bloody hell. Gaz. Stop it. Stop playing with this more than stupid and fucking game with us and let us stand still as the idiots. I will not allow you to show me anymore, just because I've come too close to you. You can forget about this and I'll tell you right away, if you do not even finally unpack what it's all about, you've finally died for me. ...So, what in devil's name is just going wrong with you?"

"Doug," Jason interrupted instantly as Howard waited seriously for an answer from Gary, letting him know at a glance that he was going too far.

"What? This bastard here should calmly know that I despised him for what he has done abdicated and that he has already been dead in my eyes for years. If you seriously expect from me to let myself be persecuted by him and be like an idiot, you have been very wrong. He is the one who has broken everything and not me. ...He didn't deserve it otherwise! For my part, he can take a rope and hang up the next tree!!"

"Howard! You're not serious, right? ... And besides, you can not say that in Gary's presence." Mark was terribly horrified at how Howard could talk about someone they had once referred to as a friend and who was also among them.

No. This really did not go. With this the older man was now even more rightly shooting himself out.

"Babe. Please. You know I'm standing behind you a hundred per cent and can absolutely understand your rage on Gary, but Mark is right there. This was really unnecessary and unsuitable at the same time. ...You can't bring anything like that. Not even in a joke." Jason agreed with the smaller at all points, one shouldn't even mention something like that against his worst enemy.

"It may be that I have just exaggerated it and have gone beyond goal, but the fact is that this miserable crap of a traitor has broken everything. ..."

"It was all broken before," Gary suddenly exploded out of nowhere, letting all those present guys here know with an exceedingly loud and rather unfamiliar, harsh voice,that he didn't have the band on his conscience and that they were all to blame for it, "You. You alone have destroyed everything. Not me. ...Actually every single one of you had made their own contribution to it and you had to also remind me that even in my life nothing changed and it will never be. Do you ever know how you have discriminated against me?"

"What are you talking about? We had never spoken to you about how do you to lead your life, or simply to throw it away, just because the whole thing is supposed to be your destiny." Jason said suddenly, shocked and just did not understand what Gary wanted to tell them, and why he felt discriminated against by the guys, whereupon he threw him away all his life.

But Gary left out any conceivable answer and so the former singer, with shaking shoulders, was still leaning against the wall and gave himself the greatest trouble to keep his whole and about all years away to dammed up emotions for himself. Though this had resigned itself with the time that one couldn't have everything what one wished, but now, where his past has found him here and caught up with it again, it was anything but easy. It was as if someone were throwing a whole carload of salt into his still open wound. While Gary's life flame had already been extinguished for a long-lasting eternity, hit of pain against it continually in this endless width from nothing that he had been on since the very beginning of this story. ...If not a few more years.

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