Chapter 6

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I step out of the shower and get all the water out of my hair. I put the towel on and realize that I forgot to get clothes the change into. I also realize that I can't go out there with just a towel on. I'm not walking out of the bathroom, with just a towel on, when Niall Horan is in this apartment. Do you know how awkward that would be.

I hear voices in the living room. I decide to go out because..... well...... let me tell you about the apartment.

When you walk through the door the loving room is right there. You walk down the hallway and there is your kitchen on the left. And a little more down the bathroom is on your right. The door next to the bathroom is Jess's room and the door at the end of the hall leads to my bedroom.

I like the apartment. I think that Jess did a pretty good job keeping it a secret and everything.

Anyways, I walk out of the bathroom and it couldn't be any better timing. I look down the hall to the loving room to see if anyone was looking at me. Sure enough someone was and it was my least favorite person in the world and I definitely was not planning on seeing him anytime soon.

He looks at me with wide eyes. I could feel all of the color drain from my face.

He starts to walk towards me and I feel like my feet re nailed to the ground. He gets closer and closer. When he gets only a few feet away, I am finally able to move my feet. I run as fast as I can down the hall I almost make it to my door when I feel my towel being pulled the opposite direction. I look down to see Harry's hand tugging at my towel.

"Harry let go" I say harshly.

"Not until you listen to me." He says.

"Harry, you already said everything that you need to say. Please just leave my alone." I say and tears are brimming my eyes.

"Let me take you out to lunch. Please." He says and I think that I see tears, but he blinks and they disappear.

"I can't I have to go to the store with Jess." I say. And try to walk away but Jess buts in.

"Haley go because you didn't want to go shopping anyways." She says smiling.

"Jess stay out of it." I say a bit to harsh to my best friend.

"If you don't say yes then I'm pulling your towel off." Harry says. He starts to pull at my towel and gasp.

"You wouldn't." I say glaring at him.

"Oh, but I would." He says smirking and he pulls harder.

"Fine I'll just give me a couple minutes to change.


I didn't care how I looked because I didn't care about the person that much so why waste the time.

I'm wearing jean shorts and a half shirt with my hair up in a pony tail.

Harry takes me to a restaurant that I have never heard of. I didn't bother on remembering the name.

"Harry!" I hear a girl with brunette hair. "Why did you leave me at the restaurant?" she says.

I hear Harry cuss under his breath and I immediately get up and leave.

Harry runs after me, for the second time today, he grabs my wrist and I am spin around immediately.

"Let me take you home. You don't have a ride." He says.

"Okay." I am shocked that he didn't make an excuse this time.

"Who is she?" I say as soon as we get out of the parking lot.

"No one....just.... don't worry about it." He says looking at me then looking away.

"I will not get mad just tell me!" I start to yell out of no where. He doesn't look at me.

"How do you know her?" I say.

"I met her at a concert and I kissed her and we kind of just stuck with each other." He says.

"Oh she is part of your game too. How long has she been apart of it? An even better question would be how many other girls are you seeing? Umm ....... let me I got it 10." I say. I was going to say more but Harry cut me off.

"Shut up! You know you're not perfect here either!" he shouts at me.

"I haven't done anything wrong! you are the bad guy here!" I shout.

"Well what are you then?" he says.

"Just another victim in your games." I say and he gets furious.

"Shut the-" Harry gets cut off by a honking horn.

Harry ran a red light. A car was honking and headed straight for me. It couldn't stop and it hit the side of my door and our car started to spin.

My vision started to go blurry and I hear Harry's voice.

"Haley! Haley! Haley stay with me! Someone get help! Please! Haley your going to be okay just stay with me." He says and I feel myself lifted.

I close my eyes and my mind goes blank I can't open my eyes or anything. I blacked out.


Harry's P.O.V

Haley just made me so mad. I guess I just didn't see the light was red. I ran it and a car hit the side of Haley's door.

I started to call Haley's name and a guy that got us got out of his car.

"Someone help us! Please!" I say and he calls 911 I assume.

I pick up Haley and she blacks out. I step out of the car and get down on both knees and dip my head down to look at her. She is so beautiful and perfect and all I do is hurt her. I start to cry.

"Haley, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." I cry.

Few minutes later someone takes her out of my arms and puts her in the ambulance. I watch as the ambulance leaves and stay there.

A few minutes later I go back to the apartment and I see Jess and Niall sitting on the couch watching T.V.

They see me with my cuts and bruises and their eyes widen. I get down, once again, on both knees and cry.





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