Chapter 9

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Harry slept next to me the night before. I woke up and he was staring at me and kissed the top of my head.

"Morning beautiful, you are so cute when you are sleeping." He says poking my noise.

"Thanks?" I say getting up.

I realize that I can go home today. I get up as fast as I can not worrying about the pain. I get my shoes on and run out the door. Harry gets my things and walks out coming after me.

"Hey slow down there," he says grabbing my wrist, "someone's excited about getting home today." I giggle and look down. He tilts my chin up to look at him. We are centimeters away from touching lips. Before we could kiss the door opens for is to get off. I push him to the side and run to the front desk.

"Haley Johnson, for discharge." I say smiling. Harry just joined us from my mischievous plan that happened on the elevator.

"Ok, if you could just sign here you are all good to go." She says and hands me a pen.

I sign it as fast as I can and run out the doors. I have been in this hospital for too long. I miss the sunshine and the fresh air.

Harry leads me to his car and we jump in. The drive is short but too long for me. I run inside and slide the key in the lock. I hear it click and swing the door open. I run inside and straight to me room. Harry follows behind me and sits my bags on my bed.

Niall and Jess must be out because their not home. Harry and I decide to watch a movie we decide on 'We're the Millers' and make popcorn.








Harry's P.O.V

We were watching a movie and Haley looks so excited to be home. She looks great. I mean she still has cuts and bruises but she looks better than she did and she would always look perfect to me.

She notices that I'm staring and looks at me. She gives me a peck on the lips and smiles back at me. She turns back to the T.V. and starts laughing.

I haven't really been paying attention to the movie because I am to busy looking at the most beautiful girl ever.

After the movie is over Haley looks at me and smiles. She turns to face me and she looks at me again.

"How did you like that movie?" she says smirking.

"It was good." I lie because I didn't even watch it. She catches on to my lie.

" How would you know you didn't even watch it? You were too busy looking at me." She says and nudges my arm.

"Hey I got an idea." I say.

"And what's that?" She says smiling.

"Let's play 20 questions." I say proud of myself for thinking of it.






Haley's P.O.V

"Great idea!" I say.

"Okay, I'll go first." He says than holds my hands.

"Okay, shoot." I say excited.

"Tell me about your mom and dad." He says and my smile fades.

"Um.....well.... my mom works two shifts a day." I say.

"Oh and what about your dad?" he says.

"Well he died in a car accident a couple days ago." I say tears brimming my eyes.

"How did the car accident happen?" He said.

" a person was driving on the wrong side of the road and hit his car. The person was fine apparently because they drove off," I say crying, " they didn't even stop to help."

Harry drops my hands and hugs me. He looks really nervous. He hugs me and starts to cry.

"I'm so sorry Haley." He says and cries onto my shoulder.

"Don't say your sorry it's not your fault." I say and he backs away to look at me.

"Well.... it kind of is." He says and gets up and walks away from me.

"What do you mean?" I say scared of his answer.

"I was the person that hit your dad's car and killed him." He says not looking at me.


Author's Notes:

Hey guys I will update tomorrow.

There is no school for me tomorrow. Yay!

That was a lot of drama at the end. I know I'm sorry about that.

Please comment and vote. All you have to comment is a simple 'hey'.

Oh, and please read my friend emmieisbeast book when he was there or when he was here. It would mean a lot to me.

If you could tell other people to read my book, that aren't already reading it, to read it please. Much is appreciated. Thx. xx.

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