Chapter 24

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Haley's P.O.V

•The Next Day•

"I want out" I tell Simon. I met up with him at the coffee shop where I first met him.

"No you can't" he said not even making eye contact he is just stirring his coffee.

"And why not?" I say getting a little irritated that he won't even look at me.

"You signed a contract" he says flatly. He doesn't even look like he gives two shits about this conversation that we're having.

"Um excuse me... when you talk to someone could you at least look at them." I say almost shouting but decided to lower my voice considering that we are in a public area.

"I could" he says still not looking at me. He did not just do that.

"Well anyways," I say still shocked about what he just said to me, "contracts can be broken and besides he has Kendall"

"Yes but we want you" he says.

"Well your not going to have me" I say and gather my things so I can leave.

"I didn't want to do this" he says and I stop dead in my tracks.

"Do what?" I say turning around to face him he finally is looking at me.

"Well since you signed the contract you have to do what we say and if you don't we can call the cops on you." He says and my jaw drops.

"You wouldn't dare." I say taking a step closer to him.

"But I can and I will if necessary." He says and I see a small smirk forming on his mouth.

I sigh in defeat. I can't believe that he would call the cops on me. I mean I know that he is Simon Cowell and that he's mean, but I thought that it was just for show. I mean I can't believe that he is really that shallow.

"Hurry up dearie. You wouldn't want to be late for your date with Harry now would you?" he says breaking me free from my thoughts. I storm out of there leaving my coffee behind.

I get in my car and pull out of the parking lot. Simp waving goodbye to me from the window just makes me even more irritated.

When I am finally on the road I scream "Fuck!" as loud as I can. That's what I do when I am irritated or frustrated or stressed.

I finally get home and call my brother. I left him at the hospital, which I probably shouldn't have done, but I was in a hurry to see Simon and well you know how that went.

"Hello?" he says finally after three rings.

"Hey Andy? Are you okay?" I ask worried.

"Yeah I'm fine and mom is eating." He says and a wave of relief goes through me.

"Do you want to stay there with mom? Because I have to go out with Harry tonight." I say not really that excited to be going out with Harry.

"Yea that's fine and what do you mean have to?" he says. Shit. I forgot that they don't know about us. About me and Harry.

"Umm I'll explain later when I pick you up tomorrow." I say the words rushing out of my mouth.

"Okay?" he says awkwardly. And then starts to laugh.

"Okay well I gotta go. Love you." I say into the phone.

"Okay love you too sis." And he hangs up the phone.

I plop down on my mattress and realize that I still have to text Harry about tonight. I groan and reach for my phone.

Me: Simon wants you to take me out. What time do you want to pick me up?

I say kind of rudely, but at this point I honestly don't care I do not care about Harry Styles.

A few minutes later he texts back this.

Harry: okay I'll pick u up at 7

I look at the clock and it's six o'clock. I rush to take a shower. When I get out I don't even care what I wear, but I do want to look nice just invade there are paparazzi.

A few minute later Harry knocks at the door. I sigh and get up to answer it.

"Wow you look beautiful." He says smiling and leaning on the door frame.

"Yeah yeah" I say and grab my purse and walk past him.

"What's your problem?" he says laughing.

"Why don't you ask your girlfriend Kendall." I say and don't even look at him.

"Aww is someone jealous?" he says and laughs. Now that just pushed my last fucking button. I turn and poke my finger hard in his chest.

"That is the last fucking thing that I am right now. Now come on let's get this shitty date over already." I say and turn around and keep walking with Harry trailing behind me.











We finally arrive at the restaurant it wasn't long until our entrees were served.

The restaurant wasn't too fancy but it was fancy. If that made sense.

These few girls came over screaming to our table.

"OMG your Harry Styles!! Can we please have an autograph?" the girl squeals.

"Sure." Harry says being cocky as usual. I roll my eyes and these girls give me dirty looks.

After he was done signing all the autographs I asked to leave.

"What is your problem tonight?" he asked as we arrive at my apartment I open my door and step inside, but Harry stays outsides.

"My problem is that the guy that I thought that liked me and could possibly like me or care for me." I say and tears start to prickly at my eyes. "But nope it's just like every other relationship that I had. I've just been used until they don't want me anymore than they go to the next girl."

"Haley I'm-" he starts but I cut him off.

"No harr him tired of your excuses." I say

"But Haley-" he says but I cut him off again.

"Goodnight Harry" I say closing the door. Tears start to stream down my face. Harry was a dream. He was one of those that you dream and you keep dreaming because you want it so bad. One day you dream that dream again any this time you can actually fell it and your so close, but them it shatters right in front of you just to show you that it just wasn't meant to be.



I know that I haven't update in a long time and I'm not going to make any excuses because tbh there were sometimes that I could've wrote a chapter or two. It's summer break tho.

I am warning you that I do have summer reading and school does come first. But I promise that I will try to get a chapter up every week.

I also did have a little writers block too. Well I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter I think that this book might have 40 chapter. I don't know yet. But yea.

Love you all

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