Chapter 1

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"I don't know let me think about it." I say and Simon gives me his number and I leave.

I sit in my car for a little bit and think about what just happened. I can't take this job. Hell no. I can't lie to my friends and family and to my boyfriend. I put my key in the ignition and started to drive. But my family needs the money. I can't let my mom work extra shifts just to put food on the table and not even have enough for herself.

Before I know it I'm passing the scene of the accident. I see my dad being carried out by a fire fighter and I pull over. Tears were brimming my eyes and started to cry. I have to do it for my dad. I can't let him down. My dad is driven away by the ambulance and I start to drive again.

I pull into the drive way and pull out my phone. I call Simon and tell him that I will take the job. He told me to meet him at the hotel at 2:00pm.

It's 12:30! I run inside and told my mom that I will be at a friends house. I can't tell her about Harry. Do you know how mad she would be? I grab a piece of toast from breakfast and head up stairs. As soon as I was done with my toast I pull my clothes off and hopped into the shower. I can never get the water hot enough for me.

I get out of the shower and I put on my clothes. I'm wearing a pink plaid button up shirt and jeans with holes in them with my boots. I put eyeliner and mascara and pulled my bangs back and put a bobbie pin to hold them back.

I say goodbye to my mom and brother than headed out the door.

The scene of the accident was all cleaned up and I drive slowly past it.

I decide to put on the radio and Story Of My Life comes on the radio. I decide to leave it on because I am dating one of them now. It's not that bad to be actually. Maybe I was wrong about them. My thoughts were broken when I realized something.

What about Sean what am I going to do with him. I guess I'll just break up with him. I pull my car over to the side of the road and cry for the third time today. I don't want to break up with Sean. He is the best. He is always loyal to me. I mean there are sometimes when he leaves early for no reason, but that's because he has work. He has a party tonight so I'm just going to break up with him there. I have to do this for my family.

I drive off and I arrive at the hotel and there are screaming fans everywhere. I get out of my car and walked in. There were more screaming fans. Simon must of told people that I was coming because two body guards guided me to the elevator and showed me the room.

I entered the room and Harry and Simon sitting at a table staring at me.

"Haley, nice to see you again come sit down." Simon says.

Harry pats the seat next to him and says, "come on love I'm not going to bite." He starts to smirk.

"What's your name?"

"I-I'm H-Haley, Haley Johnson. " I say stuttering. Why am I stuttering?

"Ahhh, a directioner" Harry says smirking and him and Simon start laughing.

"Actually, I'm not. I don't like your music and I surely don't like your ego." I say.

"What?" they say at the same time.

"You heard me." I said crossing my arms in front of me.

Simon storms out of the room and leaves me and Harry behind. Harry doesn't make eye contact with me and he looks hurt.

"Did you really mean what you said?" he says quietly almost in a whisper.

"Well I like some of your songs. But I heard about you guys and your egos." I say.

"Well since we are dating we should have each others phone numbers." He says still not making eye contact with me.

We exchange phone numbers and we just sit there in silence. We sit like that for about 5 minutes until I see a tear running down Harry's cheek. Is Harry crying? He storms out of the room and leaves me sitting there alone in the room.

I really blew it this time.

I found Harry in the room's bathroom. And told him that I'm leaving and I tell Simon the same.

I go home and got ready for Sean's party. I'm wearing a purple dress that comes up mid thy. I'm really tired so I take a nap.


I wake up. It's 5:00. I slept for 2 and a half hours. I start to to curl my hair and I fixed my make up.

By the time I'm done getting ready it 6:50 and Sean's party starts at 7:00. I say goodbye to my mom and leave.

I arrive at Sean's house and just stopped and parked my car. I sit there for a few minutes. Well this is it the end of mine and Sean's relationship.

I get out of my car and took a deep breathe.

I can't find Sean anywhere so I asked my friend Jess and she said that he's in his room. I go up in there and walked in. I couldn't believe my eyes. My worst enemy Ashton. She is the meanest girl in school. She is just a big bully and always has been. She never liked me and I never liked her. She always did mean things to me but I never did stuff back to her. I'm just not that kind of girl to retaliate.

She was on top of Sean and they were kissing. Sean had no shirt on so I can see that I was interrupting something.

They stopped kissing and they both looked at me. Sean had wide eyes and Ashton was smirking. I ran out and I heard Sean running after me.

"Haley. Haley wait. I can explain." He says.

"There's nothing to explain. I know why you always leave early you have to go to 'work'" I say putting air quotes around work.

"No that not true I-" he says but I cut him off.

"No I thought that this day couldn't get any worse. My dad died today." I say tears brimming my eyes.

"Haley, I'm so sorry" he says taking a step closer to me.

"No! Stop! Just leave me alone! Get back to your party you look like you were having a lot of fun! We're over!" I say getting in my car and pulling out of his drive way leaving him there. He falls to his knees and puts his head down and starts to cry.

I don't have anywhere to go I told my mom that I would be spending the night at Sean's. And I don't feel like going there and explaining everything that just happened. I just don't have it in me. I might start to cry for the fifth time today.

Before I know it I'm picking up my phone and calling Harry. After two rings he picks up.

"Hello?" he says confused. Probably surprised that I called.

"Hey can I come over."


Hey guys this is how long the chapters will be. I hope you like it and I am already starting on the second chapter. 😁

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