Chapter 16

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"You What?" she says confused.

"I want to sign a contract so I can ruin Harry Styles," I repeat.

"Okay?" She says, "take a seat." She says moving her hand towards the chair in front of her desk.

"Do you think that I could sign a contract with you guys?" I ask.

"Yes," she says.

"Great!" I say.

"But can I ask you one question?" she says when I am starting to get up to leave.

"Sure." I say.

"Why do you want to ruin Harry Styles? Aren't you two dating?" she asks and my heart drops.

"It's a long story." I say tears brimming my eyes.

"Was it another girl?" she says.

I nod and she takes my hands and squeezes it. I look up and she gives me a reassuring smile.

"Look at the bright side. It will be a good cover story because we already have one, but this time we will have an inside person that will tell us all the details."She says trying to lighten up the mood. It works and I start to laugh. "Just wait outside and when I find the papers then I will call you back in."

"Okay." I say and walk out the door.

I walk down the hallway and I see at the end of the hall it says 'Hall of Fame'. I walk down to look at it and I see covers of magazines up on the wall. I see Rihanna, Shakira, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber when they were dating. I look at the next picture and my heart drops. It's me and Harry on one half and Harry and Kendall on the other half. The headline says 'Harry Styles Cheating?'. This must be the magazine cover that Kimberly was talking about. Tears start to brim my eyesYes. Yes he was cheating. My sobbing was interrupted.

"Haley?" Kimberly says.

"Yes?" I say walking back to her office.

"I think that I found something for your situation." She says and my face light up. "It just says that you have to do what we say for four months, but the things that we tell you to do only has to do with Harry." She says.

"Perfect! Where's a pen?" I say excited.

"Okay then. Initial here.... sign here.....initial here.........initial here.....and finally signature here." She says pointing to where I should sign. I finish my signature and we both smile at each other.

We exchange cell phone numbers so she can tell me what to do. I am all of the sudden really excited. I feel like I am under cover.

"Well sweetie good luck." She says giving me a hug, "your gonna need it,"she mutters.

"What?" I say.

"Oh nothing. See you soon sweet heart." She says while am am exiting the room.

I say goodbye to the lady at the front desk and walk through the revolving door. I unlock my Toyota Avalon and get inside.

As I pull out of the parking lot and turn on the radio. 'Best Song Ever' comes on and I immediately turn it off. 'Beautiful Liar' by Beyoncé and Shakira comes on. I love this song. I sing to it and drive back to mine and Jess's apartment.









Harry's P.O.V

I drive back mine and the boys hotel. I press the 5th floor on the elevator button and it rises.

I can't believe what management has just told me. How can they think about just throwing Haley out on the curb like a piece of trash? I guess I have to get ready for mine and Kendall's date because if I don't I could lose my job.

The doors of the elevator open breaking my thought. I step out and walk down the long hallway. I finally get to the door and I slide the card in and hear the lock click. I step in and plop down on the bed.

Management texts me saying when the date is.

Management: Make sure that you will be ready. The limo will pick you up at 7.

Me: Okay.

It's 6:23. I hop in the shower. When I am out its 6:30. I brush my teeth. I am all done at 6:50. I look at myself in the mirror and I hear someone walk through the door.

"Are you really going to do this?" the voice says and I turn around and it's Niall.

"Yes, I have to." I say turning back to look at myself in the mirror then tugging at the hem of my button down shirt.

"You don't have to you want to." He says walking towards me.

"No. If I don't I will lose my job." I say walking past him.

"I know, but half of you wants to go on a date with her." He says.

"That is not true." I say. Is it? half of me says yes and half of me says no. Maybe he is right.

"Just be careful man," he says and I walk out the door.

I go down the elevator and the limo pulls up at front just on time. I walk up to it and yank the door open. I step in and take a seat. I take a deep breathe.

"Ready?" the annoying voice says coming from the girl that was sitting next to me.


Author's Notes:

Sorry that I didn't update yesterday but hey I updated today.

I had technical difficulties. I had to rewrite this chapter again.

I hope you had a nice snow day (if you had one)

Don't forget to comment and vote.

Also if you could tell your friends about this book and make sure that they read it and vote for it. I'm not saying go stalk them until they do it. If they don't want to read it then they for have to.

Thanks again guys!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

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