Chapter 20

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Sorry for any errors, please enjoy!

Nelly's POV

Hours later...

"Where are you going Nelly?" I say back to him, while grabbing my purse and coat,"To meet your uncle at the police station to get Gray out." He quickly stands in front of me, blocking my path to the door and say,"Woah woah Nelly I don't think Gray would want you to be down there." I look at him confused and ask,"And why not Ethan?" He saids,"Because I know Gray would want you to stay here where you'll be safe Nelly."

I sigh and say after a couple of seconds,"I just wanna see him Ethan.. An make sure he's alright. I want to be the first person he sees when he gets out." He sighs and place his hand gently on my shoulder and say,"How about this, I go down there today and I'll make sure he's alright, okay Nelly? I just really don't think it'd be a good idea for you to be down there." I sigh and fold my arms across my chest, contemplating on if I should agree to this or not and say,"Ethan..." He places both of his hands gently on my shoulders and say,"I promise you I'll make sure he's alright and I'll bring him back to you okay?" I sigh and bite my lip, then reluctantly say,"Okay. But call me as soon as you get there!"

He smiles and quickly grab his jacket from off of the coat rack and say, while putting it on,"I will Nelly, and I'll be back as soon as I can with him so please do me a favor and don't leave this apartment." I ask incredulously,"What! Why?" He yells while heading to the door,"Because you have to stay safe Nelly, for the one hundredth time today!" My pregnancy hormones begin to kick in and I start to feel the familiar burn in my nose as my eyes start clouding with tears. Ethan turns around at the door and immediately take notice of this and quickly walk up to me saying,"Hey, I didn't mean to yell at you Nelly. I am soo sorry.. Fuck, I'm such a dumbass.."

He starts to run his fingers nervously through his hair and begin to panic saying,"I-I didn't mean to make you cry Nelly, honest. Please forgive me." I wipe away my unwanted tears and say to him while sniffling,"It's okay Ethan, don't worry about it. I absolutely understand where you're coming from, but imma tell you this. If you ever yell at me like that again, I will happily slap you right across your face. Got it?" He smiles nervously and say,"Got it." I nod and say while gently shoving him towards the door,"Good, now go before I change my mind."

He chuckles and stop at the door saying playfully,"What? No goodbye kiss?" I giggle and open the door and push out of the apartment saying,"Leave boy! Oh and hurry back!" He smiles and say,"I will, see you later." I nod and wave to him as he leaves out the door and head to his car, then I close and lock the door with a heavy sigh. I really miss Gray..


Down at the police station...

Grayson's POV

I gotta get out of here...

Technically I'm not in jail, I'm just in a holding cell..... with a bunch of weird ass good for nothing dipshits. I'm mean seriously, I can't take this shit! I've only been here one night and I've already gotten in ten fights! Half of them being with the guards and detectives. They've been questioning me left and right about how I supposedly 'stabbed' Daniel, and I keep telling them that the only thing I did to him was deliver a couple of punches and that's it!

Honestly the only thing I've been worried about this entire time is my wife and what's going through her head right now. I know she's okay because... well it's just something I can sense, but then again, there's just this bad feeling at the pit of my stomach and I have no clue what it is, but I don't like it one bit..

As I'm trying my best to block out the bastard babbling on next to me about absolutely nothing, one of the guards, who I've come to know his name is Clayton, starts unlocking the cell and say to me,"Let's go Dolan, you got someone here to see you." Nelly!

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