Chapter 29

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Ten comments for the next chapter!

Sorry for any errors! Enjoy!

Nelly's POV

The next morning...

I wake up to a heavy muscular body on top of mine as well as two strong arms wrapped possessively around my waist and the sound of light snoring coming from Grayson as he lays soundly on top of me and I can only smile at his peaceful state and kiss the top of his head lightly, careful not to wake him up.

I look over at our alarm clock and see that the time is seven thirty am so I cautiously try to maneuver my way from under him to go get our son and as I'm doing so I here him grunt and tighten his grip around my waist and I inwardly groan at this because I really don't want to wake him up, although this is usually the time when he should be getting up and getting ready for work, I'll just call his manager and ask him if he could skip work today because I don't think he's in the best mindset to go in and he needs a little break.

After two minutes of trying to get out of Gray's tight grip, I finally succeed and pry my way out of his grasp and crawl out of our bed with a sigh, proud of myself for this small accomplishment, then lean down over his sleeping stature and place a light kiss on his chiseled cheek, watching as his lips pucker in the process and I can't help but to peck them lightly as well. Pulling away from him, I gaze down at my husband in awe and if I dare say it, pity.

He just looks so peaceful, it hurts me to know that when he wakes up he'll feel like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders again so I just take this all in as much as I can, before sighing and limping over to our closet to throw on some clothes.


After changing into a clean white v-neck and a pair of distressed light wash jeans, I walk out of our bedroom and jog across the hallway to Apollo's nursery, which was a bad idea, because the soreness all over my body is beginning to get worse and I inwardly debate on whether or not I should take some pain killers.

As soon as I walk in, I hear the sound of his low cooing and I look over into his crib and smile warmly at the sight of him looking up at me with his big brown eyes and say, while lifting him up,"Hey buddy, what are you doin' up already huh?" He doesn't say anything as I smell his diaper to see if he needs to be changed and man oh man he sure does.

Once I finish changing his diaper and onesie, I carry him in my arms and walk downstairs to the kitchen to begin making breakfast.

Arriving in the kitchen, I lay my son down in his playpen and walk over to the stove and turn it up to medium heat then head over to the fridge and grab a carton of eggs, cheese, bacon, butter, grits, and some fruits to prepare a nice breakfast for myself, Gray and whoever else will eat it.

First I get start on the bacon by placing a pan on top of the stove and drizzle on some vegetable oil as well as toping it with the raw bacon strips and watch them sizzle for a second before grabbing a bowl to start making the pancake batter.

Fifteen minutes later...

As I'm in the middle of alternating between scrambling the eggs and stirring up the grits, I see out of my peripheral vision Ashley walk into the kitchen hesitantly saying,"Good morning." I briefly look her way and note that she's still in the same attire as last night and I say,"Good morning Ashley, did you sleep well last night?"

She nods slowly while looking over at Apollo with sadness in her eyes and say while rubbing her arm,"Y-Yeah I did... Is he your son?" As if on cue, Apollo bursts out in tears with a loud wail and I immediately turn off the stove and walk over to his playpen and pick him up in my arms saying, trying to calm him,"Shh shhh shh, it's okay baby, mommy's right here. Everything's alright."

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