Chapter 18

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Sorry for any errors! Enjoy!

The next morning...

Nelly's POV

I wake up at about nine thirty, and turn over in Grayson's arms with a smile plastered on my face, then reach my hand up to cup his cheek and whisper loud enough for him to hear,"Graysonn... Baby wake up.. It's your birthday.." He just grunts and pull my body flush up against his chest and let out a satisfied groan, making me giggle into his chest then say,"Grayyy.... Come on get up baby, you gotta meet Ethan and them in like a couple hours remember?... Baaaaabe...." Nothing.

Hmm... I know what'll get em' to wake up..

"Wanna help me make breakfast daddy?" He immediately sits up and rub his eyes with a smirk, I just suck my teeth and purse my lips to the side, causing him to grin and place me onto his lap saying, sounding very much overjoyed,"Good morning baby girl, how did you sleep last night?" I drape my arms over his shoulders and say, with a small smile,"Pretty good.. Happy birthday my love."

He smiles and kiss my cheek saying,"Thank you sweetheart.." I ask,"How did you sleep birthday boy?" He chuckles and rub his hands up and down my back, sending tingles up my spin in the process, saying,"Pretty good too neonata. Now," He moves his hands down to the ribbon of my night shorts and untie it asking sweetly,"Can I have my birthday present?" His hands then find their way into my shorts and he tightly grips my bottom saying,"And my birthday cake?.." I chuckle and smile warmly at him saying,"Noo you cannot, but we can still make breakfast together." He growls and flip our position so that he's on top and start trailing gentle kisses down my neck saying,"An we will.. But as of right now... Voglio che il mio presente (I want my present).."

I groan and say,"Gray... Come on... If we do this now you probably won't even be in the mood for your real present tonight." He smiles down at me and say,"Nelly I'm always in the mood to make love to you... And every time I do, it only gets better and better sweetheart... Ethan and everyone else can wait a couple hours. It is my birthday right?.." With that being said, he immediately connects his lips with mine in a passionate kiss, and I instantly melt in his arms giving in to the electricity...


One hour and thirty minutes later...

"Alright Gray.... Time to get up now.." He chuckles huskily and watch as I get out of the bed and put on my satin pink robe, then say,"Aww man, God that was amazing baby... Why don't you just leave it off. Mi piacerebbe vedere il tuo culo sexy in giro questo appartamento in niente (I would love to see your sexy ass walking around this apartment in absolutely nothing)..." I turn around and tie the ribbon tightly around my waist, then say as he gets up from the bed and walk towards me,"Well that's just too bad now isn't it? Come on, you have to leave in like an hour, let's hurry up and make this breakfast. Put on some underwear at least.."

He smiles at me and sit at the edge of the bed and pull me by my waist closer to him saying,"You're feeling very bossy today Mrs. Dolan, I like it. Makes me want you even more... So what do you say, round two?.." I lean down to his ear and whisper,"I think not Mr. D, now put on some underwear so we can make breakfast." He stands up from the bed and grab his boxers from his drawer and say with a smile,"Call me Mr. D again and no ones going anywhere except for this bed." I chuckle and say while walking out of the door, with him following behind,"Whatever you say Gray."


Forty five minutes later...

Gray and I are now finished making breakfast after forty five trying minutes, and are now sitting on our couch watching Vampire Diaries because why not? I say while feeding him a piece of my pancake, his request not mine,"Sorry I couldn't make you a huge breakfast this morning like I planned on Gray. I thought I had all of the ingredients I needed but I didn't. I guess I just kinda got sidetracked with making tonight perfect for you."

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