Chapter 10

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Sorry for any errors! Would've updated sooner but I had a little bit of writers block.. Enjoy!

Grayson's POV

Breathing heavily, I collapse beside Nelly and say with the biggest smile on my face,"Woow.. T-That was amazing Nelly. I've been wanting to do that with you for the longest.." She wraps her arms around my torso and intertwine our legs together saying, while looking me in my eyes,"Y-Yes it was Gray, and same here... I'm completely spent.." I chuckle and run my fingers through her now wet curls and say,"That's too bad... I really wanted to go for round eight..."

She giggles tiredly and say,"I'm all worn out Gray, I don't think my body can handle that much love making.." I kiss her head and say, while caressing her body,"That's okay baby girl, but I know my body can. I thought we were gonna be able to keep going all night until dawn.." She looks up at me like I'm crazy and say,"Dawn? Really? I know for a fact that my body wouldn't be able to handle that many... Umm.."

I smirk and finish her sentence saying,"Orgasims?" She saids sleepily,"Yeah that... but I prefer the term climaxes." I chuckle and say hopefully,"Okay, but it's just because you had a long day today. Maybe we can pick this back up tomorrow?" She nods slowly and kiss my chest saying,"If I'm not too sore..."

I say while intertwining our fingers and use my other hand to play in her curls,"Great and I'm sorry if I hurt you princess." She kisses my chest and rub her thumb across my knuckles saying,"It's okay Gray, I can't feel anything right now." I smile and say,"That's good, can I tell you something real quick before you doze off?" She nods and say,"Of course baby." I say,"I really love you sweetheart, you know this, and sharing this moment with you tonight meant the absolute world to me... It felt so euphoric reaching those heights with you. I've never felt anything like it, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm more than happy that you gave me your virginity mio amore, out of all the people, me. I truly appreciate it baby. Thank you."

I feel a tear fall down my cheek as I say this to her and she sits up from my chest and look me in my eyes saying while blushing,"You don't have to thank me Gray.." I cup her cheek in my hand and say,"Oh, but I do baby girl. You just gave me a very important part of you and I'll treasure what we just did, what you gave me, for eternity. So thank you baby girl.." She gives me that gorgeous heart stopping smile of hers and say, while running her fingers along my jawline,"You're more than welcome Gray, and for the record, I didn't just give you a part of me. I gave you all of me. Heart, body, mind and soul... Although you aren't a virgin, I still got something from you too. I felt it Gray. As soon as you were inside of me, I felt it. It was love, passion, desire, want, and need like no other. All of those things are what you gave to me. Along with protection and commitment. I still feel it now baby."

I knew I was gonna cry after we did this. I pull her body completely on top of mine and say, while pulling her as close as possible,"I don't know what to say baby..." She smiles and kiss my cheek saying,"You don't have to say anything Gray, your actions spoke loud and clear." I chuckle and trace her bottom lip with my thumb saying,"I guess all I can say now is that we finally made it princess. We finally took this last step and sealed the deal for our relationship. Now everything will fall right into place, we can start our life together, and nothing will stand in our way."

Although it's completely dark in the room, I see a small tear cascade down her cheek. I immediately wipe it away with my thumb and she rests her forehead against mine saying,"Yeah we made it.."


In the morning...

I wake and find my princess sleeping peacefully next to me with her hair sprawled out everywhere. It was extremely beautiful. I just lay their for a minute and take in her grandeur, as I gaze at her intensely. I remember, during our wedding, the way she looked while walking down the isle. So sexy and hypnotic.. So angelic and elegant. I couldn't think about anything but her, my wife...

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