Chapter 33

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Sorry for any errors and the late update! Enjoy!

Six months later...

Nelly's POV

Today Gray's at work while I'm at home with Apollo, and I haven't been feeling quite my best...

Last night the contractions were just terrible in my lower abdomen, and today is exactly the same! Only difference is now I can feel my vaginal bones tearing apart and it hurt sooo bad...

I've never experienced pain like this before and every time I get up from sitting down, that's when it hurts the most.

Gray knows about the contractions, but I haven't yet told him about this. Not that I don't want to tell him, I just haven't had any time, because Apollo gets into everything and he can't sit still for a second now that he's fourteen months, aka one years old and two months!

I just put him down for his nap meaning that I have a little free time, so I pick up my phone and call Gray while I begin grabbing the remains of my son's toys off of the living room floor..

"Ciao, sweetheart how are you feeling?"

I can't help but smile, in spite of the pain I'm in, at the sound of his voice and say while balancing the phone against my shoulder and ear,"Hey baby, and umm not so hot.. This might sound a little disturbing but I feel like my vaginal bones are like breaking apart and it hurts so bad, especially when I get up from sitting down.."

He instantly saids worriedly,"That's not disturbing baby, not even the slightest, but I'll come home right now. Do you feel like you need to go to the hospital?"

Shaking my head, I sigh and begin heading up the stairs to Apollo's room so I can put up his toys and say,"No... Not necessarily, it might be something normal so I guess I'll just wait it out and try not to do too much."

He sighs and say, as the sound of him packing up his things from work fills the background,"Sweetheart that doesn't sound normal to me and I don't remember it being in any of the books I read, so how about this, I'm going to give Dr. Nolan a call and on my way home I'll pick up some pain medicine and your favorite chocolates alright?"

I smile lightly and blush saying back to him,"Alright Gray, thank you."

I hear him kiss the speaker on his phone and say sweetly,"Anytime... Yeah Mark I'm headed out..... My wife, she's not feeling very well... Okay thanks, I'll see you later... Yeah baby girl just sit tight I'll be home in a tidbit. I love you."

I say,"I love you more G."

I hang up and slide my phone into my pocket and glance down at my sleeping baby boy in his crib cooing quietly as I lean down to kiss his soft cheek. Then I pull back and whisper to his sleeping form,"Sleep tight lil man, mommy loves you.."


Forty five minutes later...

The sound of our garage going up then back down lets me know that Gray's finally home and on the inside I'm practically squealing to finally be back in his comfort after five hours of being away from him.

I turn onto my side and snuggle closer to my pillow to get better comfort but I just groan when I feel the pain in my lower abdomen worsen!

Dear Lord...

So far Gray and I's baby girl has been really giving me a hard time with this pregnancy. Oh yup, we found out we're having a little girl about a good few months ago and from then on its been hell.

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