Chapter 25

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Here is picture of baby Apollo for y'all! Sorry for any errors! Enjoy!

The next day...

Grayson's POV

As I am sleeping peacefully in bed with my wife and son, I'm abruptly awoken by the stentorian sound of my phone going off obnoxiously, making me groan and sleepily unwrap my left arm from around Nelly's waist and reach for it on my nightstand.

I quickly answer it so that the loud sound won't wake her up and say groggily, without looking at the caller ID,"Hello?"

"Good morning Mr. Dolan, it's Matt and I was just calling to know when will you be back in the office? I do understand that you just had a child, and congratulations to you and your wife, but things are getting a little hectic and we need you over here, so when will you be back in?" Mark is my manager and he's a pretty chill guy. I have absolutely no problem with him, and I don't see any in the future.

I tiredly wipe my hand across my face and look down at Nelly and our now awoken and wide-eyed son laying between her and I, saying,"Umm I don't know to be exact sir... Uhh how does two to three more weeks sound?" He saids, after about a second or two,"Hmm, okay that's fine, but no later than that Dolan. Or else you'll get no breaks for three days in a row, understand?" I lightly chuckle at the playfulness in his voice and say,"I understand sir, and thanks. I just need some time for my wife and I to adjust to this new life."

He saids, and I can already hear his smile on the other end,"Oh I know all about that. Alright, well I'll leave you to it. Have a great day." I nod as if he can see me and say,"Okay you too, bye." I hang up the phone and sigh, now becoming fully awake and look down at an adorable bug eyed Apollo saying,"Well good morning little buddy, how long have you been up for?" He doesn't say anything, just stares up at me and begin to drool on Nelly's arm, so I pick him up and shake my head saying,"No no Apollo you do not drool on mommy. Understand?" I watch as his lip begins to poke out and tremble letting me know that he is about to release the unstoppable water works so I say,"Hey hey hey hey, don't cry bambino. You're going to wake your mother."

An just like that he stopped pouting and then started it right back on up with a loud wail. I quickly reach over to my nightstand and grab his pacifier and quickly stick it in his mouth saying,"Shh shh shh... It's okay buddy, it's okay.. Please don't cry, you kept me and your mother up all night with that." He just stares up at me, while vastly sucking on the pacifier and few tears out of the corner of his eyes from his previous outburst and I just admire my son's beauty for a few seconds.

He is just so handsome and adorable, you'd have to be blind not to see his beauty. He is a direct spitting image of Nelly and I combined so he shares both of our features evenly, thus to me, making him the most beautiful baby in the world...

I just can't believe I created this... this life. With the help of God and Nelly of course. It all just seems so surreal, like a dream land or something. Nelly and I created our own little love child together and this is something I have wanted with her ever since I asked her to be my girlfriend, believe it or not.

I am so glad we don't have to worry about anymore crazy ex boyfriends or ex girlfriends, non of that shit, just changing diapers and keeping our child safe and lots and lots of sexy times..

Snapping out of my thoughts as I feel Nelly unwrap her arms from around my waist and sit up saying with a big grin,"Good morning my two most favorite men in the whole wide world." I match her grin with one of my own and peck her lips saying, while stroking her cheek, only for second glancing down at her enlarged breasts,"Good morning to you too baby girl, how did you sleep?"

She gently grabs a smiling Apollo from out of my arms and lift him up in her arms saying, while gazing up at him happily,"I slept pretty well Gray.. Hey lil man. What about you?" I slide my gaze back down to her breast and lick my lips saying, as I begin to think of how good it would taste to have them in my mouth,"Pretty... Delicious." She lowers Apollo back down in her lap and look at me with her left eyebrow arched and a confused expression asking,"Huh?"

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