27|Not a Date

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The sky was still gray and cloudy as Draco and Hermione walk to Hogsmeads together. They walked in silence, not knowing what to say to each other. Birds chirped and a cricket's song could be heard.

Draco glanced at Hermione for a second, then a smile appeared on his lips.

"What?"Hermione asked with a smile of her own, she stopped in her steps to ask him.

"Nothing,"He answered,and walked past her with his smile still on his lips.

"That's really isn't an answer, that's more of an excuse to not answer," Hermione said wisely, but she walked a little faster so that she was walking next to Draco again.

"You should have your own book," Draco said randomly, and it caught her off guard.

"Oh and what would this book be on?"

"Well your first book should be on..um...a cat."

"A cat?"

"Yes, you see the cat is no ordinary cat. It can turn into a human-"

"So it's basically an Animagus?"

"Yes, but the muggles don't know that."

"Draco you expect me to write a book that can tell the muggle world that Wizards and Witches are real. That can expose the wizarding world!"

"Okay Okay, then your first book should be on..um..yourself."

"What on me? Who would want to read a book on me? My life is pretty boring I have to admit."

"Did you just say boring?"Draco said with disbelief," Hermione whatever's your middle name is Granger, your life isn't boring.

First year you played a giant game of wizarding chess,you passed a three headed dog and you saved Potter and Weasel from devil's snare. Second year you helped Potter and Weasel figure out what the thing was in the pipes. Third year you punched a git in the face and you helped save that hippogriff. Fourth year you started that thing called S.P.E.W. I forgot what that stands for but right now it doesn't matter, you helped Potter not die in Twizard Tournament and you showed Weasel what he missed out on. Fifth year you helped make that army for Dumbledore and you risked your life to save a wanted man. Sixth year you were still a good friend to Weasel even though he was with someone. Seventh year you saved the wizarding world with Potter and Weasel, and you helped kill V-Voldemort. This year you joined the Gryffindor quidditch team, you broke up with an abuser, you helped my cousin feel like this is her new home and you became friends with Slytherins, so don't ever say that your life is boring."

"My middle name is Jean," was Hermione's only response.

"Huh, Hermione Jean Granger? It has a nice ring to it."

"What's your middle name?"

"I don't want you to know."

"Why not?"

"Because I hate it."

"Oh, well if you could change your middle name. What would it be?"

"I always wanted to have a very uncommon middle name like..um...Scorpius."

"Scorpius? That's as uncommon as Draco."


"So you won't tell me your real middle name."


"Yes you will tell me or yes you won't tell me?"

Draco rolled his eyes."The second one."

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