06|Breakfast with Gryffindors

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Hermione walked into the Great Hall, everyone seems to be there. She looked down and up the Gryffindor table, then she found her friends.

They waved to her, she waved back. She walked down throughs them, she sat right next to Ginny. Harry and Neville were in front of them, talking about boy stuff.

"Ready for the first day of school," Ginny said with both excitement and sarcasm.

"Yeah,"Hermione replied," Hey, did you find Ron or did Ron show up?"

"Oh, Ron- well- he-you-see-um," Ginny stuttered.

"He hasn't shown up, has he,"Hermione said hanging her head.

"Hey, just eat some breakfast,it's alright 'Mione," Ginny said to Hermione while putting a hand on her shoulder.

Hermione nodded, but only ate a piece of toast. Hermione was trying her best to convince Ginny that she is sad that Ron isn't here, but right now she just wants to throw a party.

"Morning," Valentine said the sat down next to Hermione."Hey why so down?"

"Oh her boyfriend hasn't shown up yet," Ginny answered for Hermione.

"Oh, what do you mean he should've been on the train with the rest of us," Valentine questioned.

"Yeah,he should've," Hermione mumbled.

"Hey why were two you late," Ginny asked both Hermione and Valentine, trying to change the subject.

"I got lost,it is a big school after all," Valentine answered while getting a piece of toast and spreading jam on it.

"Oh, that reminds me, " Hermione said while getting up,"I'll be right back. I'll tell you guys know later about it."

Hermione walked up to the professor table, she needed to talk to Professor McGonagall.

"Um, Professor McGonagall may I talk to you," Hermione said to the gray haired witch in front of her.

"Yes, you may," Professor McGonagall while getting up and walking to the left side of the Great Hall. "What is it that you would like to talk about?"

"Um, professor I would just like to know why there is a Television and recorder player in my-I mean our callumroom?"Hermione asked her professor.

"Well they are there for interment," Professor McGonagall answered," but I believe that books are way more entertaining."

"I believe the same thing," Hermione said, " but what I want to know how they are working in side of hogwarts grounds?"

"Oh Hogwarts has it's holes, you could say, but we are working on it," Professor McGonagall said," and if you are wondering how they got there I have no clue."

"Ohh I see thank you,"Hermione said McGonagall nodded to her then walked back to her set. Hermione did the same.

"What was that all about?" Ginny asked Hermione.

"Oh long story," Hermione answered then grabbed another piece of toasts.

"Well we have about...three minutes left," Ginny said while looking at her watch.

Hermione told them about the Television and recorder player, but didn't tell them about her crying. The last thing she wants is them to be worried about her.

"Well we should be heading to our classes," Ginny said to them," look even Harry and Neville are gone."

"You're right," Hermione said to Ginny.

"Aren't I'm always," Ginny said while whipping her hair back.

"Yeah, yeah,"Hermione said back to her.

"Which class do you have first?" Valentine asked both Ginny and Hermione.

"Well I haven't got my schedule yet so.. "Hermione said to her, a little embarrassed.

"Oh, we'll get it on the way out," Valentine said to Hermione.

"Brilliant,"Hermione said then the three got up and headed to the doors.

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