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The sky was gray and cloudy. Not one bird sang a morning song. Students were still asleep, all but one.

Hermione was laying on her bed staring at ceiling, thinking of what happened last night. She didn't sleep after what happened,but it wasn't because something happened to her no it was because something happened to someone.

"What the-"

The person, who was dragging her, walked into the kitchen with Hermione's arm in his or her hand. The person had some sort of ski mask over his or her face.

The kitchen was dimly lit with candles, a silhouette of someone was sitting in one of the chairs by the table. The person seem to have papers in his or her hands.

"Hermione please sit,"the person dragging her said, but his voice was charmed so she couldn't identify who it was.

Hermione didn't obey, why should she? The person draged her against her will. The person lightly push her to the table, forcing her to sit.

"Who are you? And why am I here?" Hermione yelled her two questions at the person sitting across from her.

"Hermione sorry that your all confused and stuff. I know how much you hate not knowing what's happening," Valentine said to Hermione.

"What?! Wait is that Malfoy!" Hermione yelled pointing to the person behind her.

Valentine nodded, then Draco took a seat next to Hermione. He grabbed the top of his white ski mask and pulled it off making his hair fall on his pale face, he leaned back on his chair with a smirk on his face.

"Why are you doing this and why right now. It's seven o'clock, at night," Hermione asked the two blondes calmly, well she tried to say it calmly.

"Um well Draco asked me to come there, because he said that you have suicidal thoughts and that you tried to kill yourself," Valentine said looking at Hermione with sad eyes, not pity eyes like Draco and Theo, but sad eyes as if she knows what Hermione is going through.

"I can help," Draco said, he stop learning on the chair he was sitting on and was now looking Hermione in the eye.

"No I don't need help," Hermione said while getting up from her seat, but Draco push her back down.

"Hermione please let me explain how he can help," Valentine said concerned about her friend. Hermione look very hard at Valentine, trying to figure out if she is truly concerned; Hermione nodded Valentine to continue, Valentine smiled, but not her cheeky smile no she had a sad smile on. "Well back when I was thirteen I had suicidal thoughts as well. I would cut myself and thought about death everyday. My father and mama were the best,but they didn't know what was happening during school with all those prefect white girls, who call me a disgrace or a good for nothing half-blood. I was going to let those girls win, by killing myself. But once I started to visit Draco and his family more, he helped me. Here I'll show you,"Valentine gave Hermione the papers in her hands, they were letters," you can read them if you want."

Hermione did just that and read the letters the first one read:

Setpember 4, 1995

Dear, Draco
Hello Dra', this school year is the same as every year. You know homework, French brats, death and more school. I was thinking about death again, I know you told me to stop thinking about it, but I couldn't help it. Those French brats still don't believe that you are my cousin, stupid brats. At lunch today I wanted to grab the knife next to me and slit my throat, but I didn't you should be proud of me. I still have no friends, but that's fine, I have you, Blaise, Theo and Pansy. Well I don't know about Pansy, she looks at me weirdly when I play quidditch with you three guys, but then again she was never a quidditch fan. So how was the Yule Ball a lot of people were talking about it at school. Someone said that Victor Krum went with someone prettier than Fleur Delacour and she is part Veela. Oh and Fleur and her friends are still as bratty as every this year. She is complaining about how Hogwarts is so old, what does she expect a five star hotel? I bet Hogwarts is beautiful. How's your school year going so far? Hey is that girl who punched you still there, because I saw her in the Daily Prohet that you gave me. Is she the one that who went with Krum? How come you didn't ask her to the Ball, she is very pretty and she was with Harry Potter in the picture. I don't believe what Rita Skeeter wrote about them, I think Skeeter has no life and just wrote that because her life sucks. Oh and I heard that the girl who puched you and Krum are dating, but that's none of my business. Anyway see you next summer, oh and thanks again for letting me write to you about my problems.


I hope you and Pansy broke up, because Pansy kept owling me about how distant you became with her blah blah blah blah.

Hermione glance up at Valentine, who gestured to the next letter. It read:

July 5, 1996

Dear, Draco
I just heard that your father has been sent to Azkaban. Why? What did he do? I always thought he was a good man. He and Aunt Narcissa where very much in love and he is nice to my parents even though my father is a muggleborn. Draco I know you too well and you're probably going to say "that I'm too young to know," but I'm 14, 14 Draco okay. So please tell me. Draco my mother and father are planning to move back to America, because Vol-I mean- He who must not be named has come back. My parents didn't believe it at first, but I did. Draco please tell me what happened. I stopped Draco, I stopped with the suicidal stuff and started to look at life differently, please be proud of me. Draco I'm crying right now, because I don't know if you're okay and I don't know if your parents are safe. Tell me something, please.


Are Theo, Blaise and Pansy are okay as well, owl me right away please.

Hermione was about to say something, but Valentine told her to read the next. The next one read:

June 20, 19-I don't care any more

Draco Lucius Malfoy how dare you not tell me anything!! Thank you so much for letting me know that you're a death eater! Note the sarcasm. And thanks for telling me that Uncle Lucius is one too. My mother just found out last night, she cried herself to sleep. I was going to cut myself, and it's been a long time since that happened, but my mother walked into the bathroom so I just cut my hair instead. It's now up to my shoulders. Ugh I'm getting sidetracked. I just want you to tell me something. You're probably won't even get this, but I just want you to know that I am not going to America. Oh and thanks for coming to my father's funeral. Note the sarcasm.


"Valentine I-I so sorry," Hermione said, she got up from her seat and gave her friend a hug.

"It's all okay Hermione, me and Draco are here for you," Valentine said though tears. " If I knew that this was going to happen I would have bought all the letters."

"There's more," Hermione said still hugging Valentine, Hermione let some of her own tears come down. Valentine only nodded and kept crying as if she had held them back for years.

"Oh please stop crying, you two are going to make me start feeling emotions," Draco said hiding his face in his crossed arms on the table.

"Sorry I just wanted to let it all out," Valentine said referring to her tears.

"Friday night Hermione we will have a meeting on suicide okay," Draco said to Hermione and then walked out of the kitchen.

Hermione shook her head, she wasn't going to let suicide and abuse ruin her life, no she was going to face it.

She jumped out of her bed ready to do conquer the world, but in a good way.

A/N: I'm so freackin' tired, but I still write. That's my new life motto. WOW this is one of the shortest author's notes I ever wrote.

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