31| Cure

48 3 5

The sky was filled with white puffy clouds, but barley any sun shown though. It has been about  three to four weeks since Hermione was 'grounded' well that's what Theo said.

It was a peaceful Thursday morning, birds sang and students were off to breakfast. Hermione sat on her bed reading on Black Cat flu for a fifth time this week just to get more information on the illness.

Knock knock

"Who is it?" Hermione yelled from her bed while placing her book down.

"Your only neighbor," a voice answered from the other side of her door.

"I don't know any 'your only neighbor'," Hermione said with a smile even though he can't see it.

"Okay whatever, I brought you breakfast and an apple."

"Okay," once Hermione said that a plate of pancakes land on her lap with a green apple. She rolled her eyes at the apple. "I told you that I prefer red apples, not green ones!"

"Hey! Green apples are better than your red ones by a long shot!"

"If I wasn't sick I would sat up, walk to the door open it then knock some sense into you!"

"Sure you would."

"Is that sarcasm I hear?"


"Ugh I hate being sick!"

"What why? You get to skip class till you recover and you have me as your personal man servant, so what more could you ask for?"

"I could ask for a my medicine and-" but Hermione couldn't finish her sentence, because she started to cough rapidly, she covered her mouth with her hands, but it didn't stop the coughs.

Draco started to bang on the door yelling to Hermione if she was alright. He got no reposes. He took a deep breath then casted bubble charm around himself and ran in side Hermione's room.

Hermione's coughing stopped, but her mouth was covered with blood. She blacked out again, and the last thing she saw was Draco lifting her off her bed.


Hermione opened her eyes and found herself on the floor in a large forest. She knitted her eyebrows, where is she?

She jumped off the ground, she looked down at herself she was wearing a white nightgown. Odd.

She patted herself, no wand. She sighed in frustration. Where in Merlin's bread is she?

She stepped forward,but fell though the ground. The earth was no longer there, she was free falling in a red cloudy sky. She screamed, but it did not good.

Once she fell though a cloud she was in sand. Her face was covered with it, she should up and spit out the sand in her mouth. She was on a beach, but it was deserted, not a single person was in it.  She took a deep breath and ran to the right, but the sand swallowed her whole and again she was falling in a sky, but this time it was a dark green.

A evil laugh echo through her ears as she screamed. The laughing only grow louder and louder.

She landed on the same forest dirt ground again. The laughter was close, very close.

"Granger you only have a few more days, only a few more days. I hope you and your friends are ready," a voice said, but it was charmed so Hermione couldn't identify the voice, but she knew it was feminine.

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