Chapter 6

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After my altercation with Kenneth I politely put his ass out. He was supposed to be coming for his stuff when he found a permanent living situation. I don't care where the hell he end up though. I'm so over being concerned about a nigga that ain't doing shit for me.

I walked into my house with bags on bags of clothes. Had to fill up the other half of my damn closet. Sitting on my couch was one of Jordan fucking friends. The aggravating one at that. They stumbled across me and Jordan fucking in the game room. And he been trying my patience every since. Like nigga, I'm not just gone go around fucking every eighteen year old I see.

"What's good Dez?"

I threw my hand up at him as I locked the door. I turned around and he was standing right there.

"You look good today."

I smiled politely.

"Where's Jordan?"

He shrugged.

"Somewhere around here. I was thinking though. How about I move in too? That way we can take turns beating them walls down. Jordan told me how good it is. Got my boy passing on bitches and shit. This nigga on some one pussy shit. And I'm just tryna see what's up."

His breath was horrible.

"I'm gone pretend you ain't say that. Because we both know you probably just high off some angel dust or something. Excuse me."

I went to walk around him and he snatched my hand, hurting my wrist as he slung me back against the door. He had to be at least 250 pounds. I was no match strength wise.

"Don't put your hands on me," I shouted.

I put my hand on my tazer in my purse.

"Stop being so fucking stuck up! You let my boy hit! What's wrong with me?!"

I pushed by him and he grabbed my purse strap, knocking me off balance and I fell.

"Whoa! The fuck?!"

I looked up as Jordan hopped down the last few stairs. He came to me and helped me to my feet.

"The fuck you doing?!"

"Man this bitch always acting funky towards me!"

Jordan pointed me up the stairs. I walked up a few before turning to see him glaring at his friend.

"The fuck you even touching her for?!"

"What you mean? You know how we be passing the bitches. You the one that started us saying that smash crew shit. Remember?"

Jordan went to the small of his back as he replied, "Nah bruh. We did pass mad bitches. But Dez is off limits. You hear me?"

"Nigga, soon as you fuck a bitch with her own shit you wanna get funny. The fuck up with that? What about the homies?"

Jordan pulled his gun that I didn't even know he had. He cocked one in the chamber and drew down on his fat ass friend.

"We been boys for 4 years now bruh. But you need to fucking listen when I say this shit. Because its the very last time I'm gone say this shit. Dezurae is off fucking limits. Her pussy off limits, her body off limits, my nigga you can't even speak to her. If she walk through and you so much as stare at her too long, I ain't responsible for what the fuck I do to you. You better glance and go fucking mute. Understand?"

"Got it."

"Now dap me up."

The dapped each other and Jordan put his gun back behind his back. Jordan turned and smiled when he saw me. He walked up to me and kissed me, stroking his tongue against the top of my mouth. He pulled away and smiled to me.


I shook my head at him and went on up to my room. I had something I needed to do ASAP.


I watched Dez walk up to the bedroom before heading to the kitchen. I needed to cook her something. She didn't have much of an appetite at breakfast. I glanced at my boy Max before I started cooking her some alfredo.

I was dead ass serious with him. Dezurae was off limits. She was mine. We weren't together according to her. But I don't give a fuck. If I find out anybody pushing up on her they gone feel it. I was gone over her. And I couldn't say that I mind. She should've never let me hit. Had me stuck from jump. The front door opened. Kita rushed in and right upstairs.

I continued cooking. When I finished neither of them had come down. I even texted that I was serving up plates. I picked up their plates and put mine in the microwave before walking upstairs.

"Will you keep your voice down?"

I frowned.

"Dez, what you gone do then? He gone realize. If he haven't already."

"He hasn't. But you really need to quiet down. I have to figure out what to do."

"You both do."

"He is too young to make this kind of decision. I can't believe I was so stupid!"

"Its not stupid. You can't help who you like or bond with."

"Kita! Don't try to shrink me! What am I doing with this boy? I mean really. What's the outcome gone be? I'm not much better than Kenneth with me. How is it any better?"

"You didn't go in with the game plan to hurt Jordan. You didn't even pursue him. He wanted you. Jordan is not some helpless child. He grew up pretty much raising himself. He probably got more worldly smarts than both our pampered asses. So let's stop acting like you corrupted someone's child. He ain't been a child for a long time."

I backed away from the door and went back downstairs. Dez was hiding stuff from me? What was it? And why was she suddenly questioning our situation? I wanted to know. And I wanted her to tell me.


I eventually put Kita out and to avoid Jordan a little longer I went straight to sleep. It was easy to do. I wasn't exactly feeling good anyway. I woke up later that night to him in bed with me. I looked over his handsome face. Even with his facial hair I could see the youth in him.

I was corrupting somebody's child. Whether Kita saw it that way or not. But I can't say I didn't feel anything for him. I maintain that we weren't a couple. Only because I didn't want that burden on him. But I wasn't seeing anybody else. Wasn't even trying to. And I wouldn't either. Not until we were both clear on what was going on with us.

I eased out of bed and went downstairs. I needed to eat something. My stomach was in knots. I needed something to eat badly. I found plates of alfredo in the fridge. Jordan must've cooked for us. He was so sweet sometimes. I can't remember the last time another man cooked for me. Kenneth certainly never did.

I warmed and ate two plates of the alfredo. And as I washed both Jordan came downstairs. I watched him walk around to the fridge and he poured himself some juice before settling his attention on me. He walked up close to me. He pinned my between his body and the counter.

"What's going on with you?"

"Not tonight, Jordan. I'm so tired."

He stroked my cheek.

"Just answer then."

"I don't want to argue tonight. We can talk about it in the morning. I promise."

He kissed me and smiled as he ran his hands around my waist. I pressed my lips against his and ran my hand down into his boxers. I knew how to get his mind off this. He groaned as I massaged his growing dick. He gripped me closer to him.


I wrapped my legs around him. He quickly walked us up to the bedroom and laid me in bed. I moaned as he massaged me through my underwear. He pulled away from my mouth and pulled my underwear off along with his pants. I pulled him to me and he pressed forward into me.

"Oh God Jordan," I moaned.

He kissed me and buried his face in my neck. I held him to me. I needed tonight to be amazing. Because it might not happen again. So I was sure to make it the best night yet. And by the time Jordan came for the last time, we were both beyond exhausted. And we fell right to sleep.

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