Chapter 21

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Dez sat with her feet propped on the glass table and a bowl of mangos balanced on her big ass belly as we played COD. My baby was eight months pregnant with fucking twins man! And she was miserable as fuck. Haha! Our boys had her on bed rest basically and she was hot about it. But she knew I'd tie her ass down if I had to in order to make sure they got here alright.

I catered to her like a servant when I wasn't in my mechanic shop in town. Whatever she wanted I got it. And was happy to. After four years of marriage and two miscarriages late in her pregnancies, I would do anything possible to ensure she felt as comfortable as possible while carrying our babies.

"Baby, stop staring," she complained.

I looked from her belly up to her frowned up face.

"I'm sorry," I chucked. "You know I love seeing them playing."

She removed the bowl from her stomach and pressed it lightly. Where she'd pressed bulged out slightly as one of the twins pushed back at her.

"My babies ain't no punks. They gone fight you."

She laughed at me.

"One of them is poking up towards my ribs," she complained as she winced.

"Want me to talk to them?"

She nodded and shut the game down before reclining slightly on the couch. Unlike Milli, who went crazy at the sound of my voice, my twins actually calmed down. My voice was like their lullaby.

"What y'all doing in there," I asked her belly as I rubbed over it with feather soft touches. "Y'all got ya mother all frowned up because whatever y'all doing hurts. Now she really trying to make sure y'all two get here safely. As thanks y'all could at least let her get a lil relaxation and pain free time to just kick back with Daddy. We just trying to chill together while the crazy two gone. Can we do that?"

Dez smiled to me as she rubbed over my head as I kissed her belly twice.

"They like to just sit and listen to you," she giggled softly.

I smiled to her as I stood. I took her hand as I picked up her bowl of diced mangos. I led her upstairs. I needed to make dinner before my father brought J'dasia and our lil bad ass Milli back from their day together. Dad had really been a huge help with the girls since coming back into my life. Especially with explaining that Dez's miscarriages were no one's fault when Milli wanted to blame herself.

J'dasia being older saw how the miscarriages effected Dez and I. How sad we were after both. She tried her best to make us feel better. Making us little snacks and such to have bed picnics and whatnot. But Milli only understood that another sibling was taken before she got to meet them. And she wanted someone to blame. Dad had to explain to her that sometimes these things just happen and there's nothing anyone can do.

I was grateful to have him in our lives now. I didn't realize how much I'd missed him. And Dez didn't realize how much she missed having a father until he began treating her as his daughter. Down to them going on a father-daughter date the way she and Calvin used to every couple months. And he was one of the few who didn't feel our age difference mattered. Dez and I were both thankful for that.


I looked to Dez as she sat at the table on her laptop.

"Your dad's birthday is coming up. Have you decided what we should do for him?"

I shrugged as I poured a little oil in a pan to brown my beef cubes for my beef stew.

"He don't exactly seem like the yacht party type. Does he?"

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