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I spotted Smackle in the distance talking to some boy from a rival school. Feeling relieved, I speed walked towards the couple. Shooing him away, I won over the girl's attention.

I could tell from the puzzling look she was giving me that she wanted to know how the race went. I looked down at the ground, kicking a patch of grass as I whispered "Maya beat me again.."

It's happened so many times now that I started to wonder if I really do hate her, or if I just hate the fact that she always wins.

Nevertheless, Smackle grinned back and repeated her favourite catchphrase. "First the worse, second the best!" I rolled my eyes and lightly shoved her.

"Come on! They're doing the awards ceremony soon!" she reminded.

Without replying, I turned to the left and we started walking towards the cheap wooden podiums that were set up. Out of my peripheral, I saw Maya Hart visibly staring at us.

Probably planning some sort of death trap for me


I stood on the left of Maya, glancing towards the crowd that hollered after each medal was distributed.

I smiled and nodded my head as some old man placed a silver medal around my neck.

The clump of students representing Abigail Adams high school went absolutely insane as my name was called. I giggled to myself and kissed my medal for the pictures that were being taken. 

My favourite blonde decided to join in on the fun too, suddenly becoming my biggest fan as she screeched. "WOOO! GO RILES, YOU'RE THE BEST" while frantically waving her arms in the air.

My fave reddened as I tried my best to smile through the embarrassment.

The man moved on rather quick and placed the gold medal on Maya. The students grew even louder as she cheered and waved around her medal; showing it off.

I stayed silent, arms crossed. I've had enough of her over the years, I don't know why she was being so nice to me all of a sudden.

"Hey babe,"

I glanced up to look at her (which was odd because I'm usually looking down) and raised an eyebrow. I blushed slightly at the nickname but tried to ignore the butterflies it gave me.

"You're kind of supposed to clap for me, that's how it works." Maya whispered with a hint of sass in her voice.

"Sorry, I don't clap for egotistical jerks." I replied.

She chuckled lightly and gasped sarcastically. "Me, egotistical!? I guess the trait comes along with all the gold medals I have Matthews."

I opened my mouth to retort but she continued. "I mean, silver medalists are always the most modest. Maybe you can teach me some tips one day?"

It's a good thing everyone was too caught up in talking amongst themselves to notice our little encounter.

I kept my mouth off and stepped off the podium, joining the rest of my teammates as they gossiped about other runners.


A couple of local news reporters had dropped by to do interviews with some of the winners today since it was the first race of the track and field season. I always hated talking to strangers but I was pushed into it by my coach.

Maya on the other hand was all over it, accepting all of the compliments the interviewers offered her and even adding onto them.

I rolled my eyes as I eavesdropped on one of the interviews. "You're a great runner Maya!"

"Don't forget smart and kind!" She smirked.

I directed my attention back onto the lady that was talking to me. "Oh, and one last question Riley."

I smiled at her and politely responded "Of course!" She seemed a little hesitant about this one but she blurted it out nonetheless. "How does it feel to always come second to Maya Hart?"

I could feel my eye twitching and my rage building as I tried to reply as nicely as I could. "Excuse me?"

By now, I was absolutely livid that she had the audacity to ask me that and was ready to fight when; Maya appeared.

She placed both hands on either side of my shoulders and rubbed them, releasing the tension I didn't know had built up.

"Linda! That was kind of rude, learn when to back off. You hurt her feelings." she said. Maya spoke with a certain elegance that drew people in and made them listen.

"Sorry Riley" the reporter apologized sheepishly and left us alone.

Once again, Maya had proved herself not to be a complete ass. And to be honest, I was kind of grateful for that.

I wasn't about to openly show my appreciation towards her though. So I opted for a mumbled "Thank you."

Maya beamed in pride like a child and winked at me before saying "Anytime, Matthews."

My cheeks tinted red as I looked down, trying to hide the smile that was curving my lips upwards. Something about her presence was just- enjoyable.

Maybe Hart isn't so bad after all.

I waited for the blonde to break the silence as expected, but she doesn't.

I glanced back up to see that she was still. Maya currently had a look of concentration of her face, as if she was examining me.

I jump in shock and stumble backwards as I hear my coach call my name. "RILEY!"

Turning towards the booming voice, I saw the man standing at the other end of the field. With both hands cupped around his mouth, he continued screaming "YOUR RIDE IS HERE."

I rolled my eyes and picked up my bags that were resting on the ground around my feet. Why does he always have the worst timing?

When he finished, Maya let out a small giggle. Loud enough that I could hear, but quiet enough that the birds wouldn't mistake the sound for a lullaby.

I hesitated, before turning on my heel and taking a step in the other direction.

I would've said bye, but how was I supposed to say farewell my long time nemesis that has suddenly become likeable?

I felt a little guilty for not saying anything before leaving her there, but the feeling subsided when I realized she probably doesn't even remember my name.

Then, the same soft hand that helped me up earlier, grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I was taken off guard, but didn't make an effort to escape from her touch.


I liked the way my name rolled off her tongue, sounded a lot better than "Matthews." There was a hint of desperation in her tone as she spoke. Her confidence seemed to fade as the seconds continued.

"You're really cool."

It was just a random thought that she blurted out, but managed to leave me in shock.

I suddenly remembered that my dad had been waiting in the parking lot for ages and re-evaluated my priorities.

I mumbled another "Thanks." and began walking towards the parking lot. Not before taking 2 steps and glancing over my shoulder to say "See you around, Hart."

I could feel her eyes burning holes in the back of my head as I travelled toward the minivan.

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