t h i r t e e n

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I took off my roller skates and slipped into my shoes; all while calling Maya's name.

The blonde had left my sight a couple seconds ago, but I wasn't going to give up on someone who meant this much to me.

I stood helplessly at a dead end in the lobby, with no sign of Maya present. I sighed and looked outside at the already dark sky through the window.

That's when I saw her.

Maya was sitting on the sidewalk in front of the rink. My heart ached at the sight of her sitting by herself. Her short legs were tucked into her chest, and here eyes were looking up into the dark, cloudy sky.

I pushed the door open and approached her silently. I was scared she would take off again if she noticed me.

"Maya.." I trailed off as I sat beside her. My legs stretched out in front of me and my hands rested in my lap.

She didn't move.

"We were just hanging out as friends." I explained. "I don't like him the same way I like you."

Maya's gaze remained on the sky as she replied with a mumble. "Didn't seem very friendly if you ask me."

I let out a soft laugh and thought about how adorable she looked right now. Something about her arms being wrapped around her short legs, and the pout on her face made it much easier for the moonlight accentuated her every feature.

"Someone jealous?" I teased and elbowed her jokingly.

Maya didn't reply, so I decided not to break the beautiful silence we had created. I rested my head on her shoulder and felt her shoulders ease.

"You're mine." Maya said firmly.

I lifted my head to look at her. My heart began to accelerate from her words.

Maya took advantage of our closeness and leaned in to peck me on the lips. It wasn't like our first kiss. Just a short spark managed to feel like everything and nothing at the same time.

She pulled back with a smile that contrasted her previous frown. "What was that for?" I asked. "Not that I didn't like it.."

Maya laughed and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together. "Because you're cute." She in a tone that insinuated that that was a fact.

"-and also because I want you to be my girlfriend." She continued.

I froze.

Is Maya Hart asking me out? I thought.

"Yes she is." The blonde replied.

I felt the heat rise to my face as I realized I was thinking out loud. I also realized that I haven't provided her with an answer yet. So I nodded my head vigorously and wrapped my arms around her for a hug.

I nuzzled my head to her neck and appreciated her scent. She smelled like flowers and summer and everything pretty in the world.

I let my mind wander as we stayed in our embrace. "What happened to the kid you were babysitting?" I asked

"Oh shit." She cursed and stood up, separating from me. "I left a 6 year old in there alone!" She screamed.

We quickly ran back into the rollerblading rink to see that Lucas was taking care of the little girl.

"At least he made himself useful for once." Maya said under her breath.

I laughed at her comment and shoved her playfully. "He's still my friend, you know." I chuckled.

Maya pouted and grabbed my hand, leading me towards the odd duo. "I'm you're number 1 though, right?"

"You'll always be number 1." I replied with a smile.

She smiled back a genuine grin that she reserved for the people she loved. It wasn't forced or hesitant, just a form natural happiness radiating off the blonde.


I went back to my 'date' with Lucas, stealing glances at Maya every time I could. Little did I know, every time I looked away, Maya glared at Lucas.

"Why is your blonde friend attacking me with her eyes?" He asked, clearly feeling frightened.

"She can be a little standoffish with new people." I replied, thinking back to the first time I met her.


Lucas walked me back to my apartment and even came in to talk to my parents for a little bit. Except, he just wasn't as charming as Maya.

He didn't miss his chance however, to try and kiss me before he left. "Bye Riley." and then he leaned in slowly.

I am definitely not kissing him.

I hesitated and went for a high five instead. That ended up with a direct hit to the face.

"Sorry!!!" I yelled as my hand collided with the front of his face, lips still puckered. I cringed at the thought of having to kiss those rough lips but shoved those thoughts away. "I was going for a high five! I don't know what happened.." I trailed off.

He nodded understandingly, knowing how clumsy I could be and excused himself.

I sighed out in relief and started to head up to my room. Probably to go talk to Maya on the phone.

"What was that Riley?" My dad asked.

"What was what?"

"Why didn't you kiss him?" My father asked again. "I thought you two liked each other."

"I'm not-, I don't-" My brain scanned through all of my thoughts, desperately trying to come up with a reasonable explanation. "He's not my type." I replied nonchalantly.

"Then what is your type?

Girls. Specifically, Maya Hart. I thought.

"He's a nice boy, I think you two would be great together." My dad suggested.

"Well I don't like him and that's that." I replied, getting tired of this conversation.

"Why not?! He's the perfect boy. I don't see anyone else that you could date that would be better than him."

"I DON'T WANT TO DATE HIM." I screamed. I didn't mean to. I just lost my temper and didn't want to hear another word he had to say.

I stomped off to my room and shut the door.

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