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My head was resting in Maya's lap while we stared intently at the TV screen. I winced and turned away from the television to bury my head in her shoulder whenever I felt a jump scare coming up.


I screamed loudly and held onto Maya for dear life, afraid to leave her grasp. It wasn't until I realized that she was the one that made the noise that I punched her in the shoulder playfully. Overall, I frustrated with the whole situation.

I hate horror movies.

Maya loves them, and I would do anything to make her happy. So here I am.

She couldn't help but notice that my phone kept going off every two seconds. I knew it was Lucas but didn't want to say anything to make her jealous; especially after the rollerblading incident.

"Riles who is that? Even I don't text you that much." She said absentmindedly.

"Oh, uh.. I don't know!" I said as casually as I could. Which wasn't very casual, mind you.

She lifted her hand that was petting my hair which made me groan in protest. I looked up to see Maya eyeing me curiously.

I pouted my lips and put on the cutest face I could to distract her.

"It's Lucas, isn't it?"

I tried my best to not react to her guess but somehow she understood. "Am I that easy to read!?" I exclaimed, feeling a sense of deja vu.

At that exact moment, two things happened. Lucas let himself into my apartment while Maya and him spoke at the same time.

"Yeah you are"

After a quick moment, the realization that Lucas was present sunk in for the both of us. Maya sat up at the speed of light and pointed a finger at him. "You!" She frowned.

Lucas immediately put two hands up and took a step back. "I just wanted to come say hi!" He defended, looking in my direction.

I stood up and walked towards him. I spoke softly so that Maya couldn't hear. "Lucas. I'm not interested in you, I have my eye on someone else." His eyes widened along with the last sentence of my words.

His jaw tightened and his hands began to clench. "Who is it." He spoke through his teeth.

"Is it Farkle?!" He questioned desperately.

"No it isn't, and it's none of your business either. Leave Lucas, I've had enough." I said, finally stepping up to him for once and facing all of my fears.

"Okay." He agreed, admitting defeat. "I hope you can win a race soon and get your scholarship into Columbia." He wished kindly.

"Shh!!" I accidentally said a little too loud. "We can't talk about that around Maya." I reminded, lowering my voice again.

It's not that I didn't want to tell her, but I know Maya too well. I also know that if she knew about the situation I was in, she would willingly let me win a race so I could get that scholarship. However, that's not what I want, I want to know that I earn everything I get by myself.

With the command, I watch the tall brunette boy I once loved exit silently. In response, I turned to the short blonde girl that I love now and looked at her. She was curled up into a ball with the blanket lying across her lap. Every inch of Maya was so effortlessly beautiful.

"I don't get why you keep him around after all he's done to you." She paused, "-to us."

"We're childhood friends Peaches, there's not much I can do." I replied, sitting back down beside her.

"Well you must be doing something because he can't seem to get the hint." Maya argued jealously. A part of me found comfort in her jealously, the fact that she really does care about me.

"I'm not!" I yelled. "I can't just tell him to leave me alone for the rest of my life Maya, it's difficult."

Maya grabbed a handful of popcorn and ate it. "I don't see why not." She shrugged sarcastically.

I placed a hand under her chin so that she would look at me. "There's nothing going on between us, I promise."

Maya sighed heavily and stood up, heading for the door. "We can't talk about that around Maya!" She mocked condescendingly, quoting my previous words.

I silently cursed myself for being so loud and grabbed her hand. "That doesn't sound like something you would say to someone that you're not involved with." She spoke sadly.

"Baby, listen to me. Please." I pleaded, pulling her towards my room. I thanked the universe when she obliged and didn't storm out like I thought she would have.

"Sit down."

Maya sat on the edge of my bed, still not having had said another word. I fought the urge to smirk with the confirmation that Maya is still whipped for me, even when she's mad.

I sat beside her and rested my hand on top of her thigh. "Here's the story." I started.

As much as it tore me apart inside to lie to her, it was my only option. We talked for the next two hours. I made up an intricate lie about how I didn't want Lucas to be talking about our old relationship in front of Maya in case it hurt her. I said my biggest fear was that she would break up with me when she found out. Her anger switched to sympathy when I explained that was why I never told her about it.

"Do you really think I would break up with you over something that small?" She mumbled.

I shrugged, not knowing what the correct answer was. "That's not what I meant."

Maya stood up from her spot. She turned away from me and took a step towards my bedroom door.

"I love you, Riley. If I found out you and Lucas used to date, I would never ever resort to breaking up with you." She continued. "I don't know why you think so lowly of me." The blonde whispered under her breath.

I grabbed her wrist to turn her around. Maya melted like putty in my grasp and I understood why this is always her go to move to get my attention. "I don't, it's just.." I tried to organize my thoughts but it didn't work out very well. "I don't know."

Maya turned again and tried to escape my hold. "I'm just going to go home now." She stated, clearly hurt.

I tightened my grasp and thought of anything I could say or do to make her stay. "Stay." I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "Please"

I could tell that the blonde was moved by my words. She nodded and climbed into bed beside me, still silent.

We were both still upset but it was comforting to know that Maya was still willing to be a wall for me to lean on when I needed her most.

That was the first night I spent together with Maya. Nothing happened besides the two of us sleeping beside each other. Deep down, I know something changed that night. I couldn't seem to put my finger in it, but I felt that the change would be for the better.

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