t w e n t y

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I stay parked in the car, holding my breath while I recited my lines over and over in my head.

"Youcandothisyoucandothisyoucandothis" I repeated to myself, ignoring the shakiness of my voice. My confidence was a lone tree in the woods that could fall over at any time. Except right now, wasn't the time.

I exited the car and stomped up to the porch, inhaling deeply before ringing the doorbell. The home had a familiarity to it that used to make me feel warm inside. All I could feel in this moment were shivers as the outside wind crept up my spine.

"Riley.." Lucas opened the door cautiously, as if he was ashamed. "Do you want to come in?" He asked after I didn't reply.

My temper grew as I thought about the nerve he had to go and act like nothing ever happened.

"No Lucas. I don't want to come inside." He frowned.

"But I want you to know that what you did has been beyond embarrassing." Confusion rose and he cocked an eyebrow at me. "On your behalf." I clarified.

"The only thing you did, was make Maya and I stronger. I really, really did want us to be friends Lucas. But I've already given you too many chances and I'm afraid you're too toxic to keep around in my life." I said all in one breath, surprised at my own ability to keep my voice from wavering.

He tilted his head down in shame, feeling guilt wash over his body. "I'm sorry." He apologized.

"That's all?" I scoffed, I felt a bit like a drama queen but in comparison to what he did to me, this was nothing.

"I'm just-" he thought for a moment. "I liked you so much, and when I found out about Maya I didn't know what to do." He explained. "Please forgive me Riles."

I cringed, hearing him tarnish the beautiful nickname reserved for only Maya to call me. Turning on one heel, I walked away from him. "Don't call me that." I spat.


I sat patiently on the counter at my mom's cafe, waiting for Farkle.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." I nodded and gestured him to come sit beside me.

We ate and drank in silence, both of our minds ruminating on the situation.

Farkle set down his drink. "I just don't get how he could have possibly heard us." He sighed, feeling at a loss for words.

I agreed, and twiddled my thumbs under the table. Slightly wishing that Maya was here so that I could hold her hand instead.

"Give me your phone." Farkle demanded, a bit more aggressive than his normal tone.

I handed it over hesitantly as he did whatever he was doing on it.

A gasp sound followed as he turned the phone around to show him my recently called list. "You butt-dialled Lucas right when we were talking." He stated.

I laughed, no longer feeling upset because maybe it was time for everyone to know about our relationship. And just maybe, my butt dial to Lucas as the universe's way of doing it for me.


Maya POV

As soon as the sun set, Farkle and I were out in the streets. I placed my feet on the dash and watched the scrawny boy drive carefully.

I'll admit, it was an odd combination; the two of us. However, we were the two people in this world who loved Riley Matthews beyond endless possibilities.

I knew Riley would never agree to what we were about to do. Since there was no way I would have been able to pull this off alone, I turned to Farkle.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" I asked him, looking behind us to see if there was anyone else in the street that could see us.

He stood up and mouthed the words 'Follow me' as he led us towards the school.

"I don't get how you're going to get in." I mumbled, starting to lose hope for our plan. "Schools are always locked after hours."

Farkle rolled his eyes and shoved his hand into his pocket, pulling out a small, metal key. "You seem to forget that I'm the teacher's pet." He smirked and shoved me aside.

"I swear, you act like I make you lose IQ points or something." I teased while he fumbled with the lock.

Farkle was bouncing on the balls of his feet like an excited chipmunk. "You have the paint?" He questioned. I nodded and held up the rusty bucket of navy blue paint in response.

I led him to the media room where Lucas typically does his announcements in the morning. Farkle shoved me aside, "Let me do it." He insisted.

I stood in a corner watching obediently while Farkle jumped all over the room in a matter of seconds.

"All done!" He exclaimed, dusting off his hands for dramatic effect. He walked over to the microphone.

"When Lucas turns on this mic tomorrow to do the announcements, it will trigger this bucket of paint to fall on him." Farkle pointed to the ceiling proudly.

"-and in that exact moment, that camera will snap a picture for the yearbook." He grinned proudly, showing his white teeth.

I found it hard to contain my smile when I admired the work of this boy genius. "Great work Minkus." I patted him on the back, knocking him over slightly.

I think this was going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


Riley POV

My girlfriend and I entered the school today hand in hand. It felt foreign, to show our affection in such a public place.

Maya squeezed it gently while we walked down the hallways, catching the stares of many students.

Most of the stares weren't bad. Instead of being made to feel like an animal on display, they offered us looks of sympathy and kindness. A couple of students even stopped us in the hall to tell us how cute we are together.

Maya never seemed to be able to control her blush when someone said that.  Her eyes would light up as she wrapped an arm around me and kissed my temple. Only before replying with a quick "I know."

When we halt at my locker, Maya stands behind me and whispers into my ear as her chin rests atop my shoulder. "I have a little surprise for you later."

I opened my lock and turned to face her. "Unless its you in lingerie, I don't want to hear it." I joked as I retrieved my worn out textbooks.

"Oh, it's even better than that honey." She replied. Immediately after, Maya nudged me to look at the TV in the hallway. I almost gag at the sight of Lucas' face, feeling disgusted.

Before I could look away, a huge splat of blue paint is dumped down onto him from who knows where. I laughed when I recognized the dark navy colour, knowing that he absolutely despises that shade of blue.

A white flash from behind the camera snaps a picture of Lucas in his prime. His open mouth really capturing the emotions in the picture.

"EW! I- UGH- WHY THIS UGLY COLOUR!" He yelled as he frantically tried to wipe his hands on his pants, only spreading the paint even more.

I turn back to Maya, my stomach beginning to hurt from laughter as she laughs along with me.

"Surprise!" She yelled confidently.

If all of her surprises keep ending up this way, maybe I won't mind having her around the school all the time.

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