e i g h t e e n

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It was raining out today, something about this dreary weather always made me want to be honest with the people in my life.

"I think it's time we tell Farkle" I said to myself and no one else in particular because I was alone.

That boy has never been anything but supportive in my life and I know he won't treat me differently if he knows I like girls.

Meet at the bay window, we need to talk.

I texted him to come over and scooted over to the left to make room for when he comes.

A couple minutes and a few paper airplanes made later, an overly confident teenage boy stuck his head through my window. He was wearing black vans and a beanie, how typical of him.

"Lad-" he paused as his eyes darted around my room and back to me. "-y?" He finished, sounding a unsure do himself.

"Yes Farkle." I laughed at his catchphrase that he's been saying since we were kids. "It's just me, your signature 'ladies!' will have to wait for another day." I teased and grabbed his arm to tug the rest of him through the window.

"Who else were you expecting here anyways?" I asked absentmindedly, watching him settle in and rearrange the pillows.

He shrugged and glanced out the window for a second before answering. "I don't know, I thought Maya would be here. You two have been inseparable since you started dating." He said nonchalantly with no hesitation in his voice.

I did a double take and shook my head, trying to make sense of the situation. "What?!" I exclaimed.

The brunette boy ruffled his hair and moved closer to me, still towering over me after his growth spurt last year.

"Why are you so shocked that I know?" He questioned and gestured to my red face. "I know everything, I just do. I figured it out a while ago. Probably before you did, to be honest." He answered.

I stood up, still flabbergasted. Farkle always claimed that he knows just about everything but I never thought that applied to his friends' love lives as well.

"I- you- we- ugh!" I stuttered trying to think of the right words to say. "Witchcraft!" I yelled at him and pointed in his face, deciding that this was the only reasonable answer to his knowledge.

He shook his head and chuckled. "Nope, I just have eyes that can see the way you two look at each other."

I blushed and sat back down, accepting this fate. "Please don't tell anyone." I whispered, grabbing his hand with my own for support.

"I won't." He promised without missing a beat.

Lucas POV

I stepped forward and threw a leather football across the field to Zay on the other side. A laugh escaped my throat as he struggled to catch it, tumbling backwards a bit from the force.

I felt my phone begun to ring in my back pocket, I held it up at eye level to see that Riley was calling.

"HEY ZAY" I screamed across the field so that he could hear me clearly. "I HAVE TO TAKE THIS CALL." Zay nodded and sat down on the grass crisscrossed, reaching for his water bottle to cool off.

"Hello?" I responded when I picked up the phone, expecting to hear a cheery Riley respond on the other end. Instead, I heard Farkle speaking.

Must've been a butt dial.

Just as I was about to put my phone away, I heard something rather interesting. "-Maya would be here. You two have been inseparable since you started dating."

I almost choked on my spit and fell over, ending the call immediately.

Maya and Riley?

I felt heat raise to my face when I thought about the two of them.

What does Maya have that I don't have?

Riley POV

Maya tapped on the bay window glass lightly, careful not to wake anyone else in my family up. I had just woken up a couple minutes earlier, still sporting a bedhead and purple cat pyjamas.

I trudged over to the window and pulled it open for the blonde to climb in. Before I could even greet her, I was attacked with a hug and kisses all over my face.

"Happy" *kiss* "birthday" *kiss*

I grinned at her, admiring her outfit for the day and the fact that her hair was down for once. During my observation, I spotted a small box in her hand.

When Maya saw my eyes looking at it, she hid it behind her back.

"How did I get so lucky?" I remarked, referencing the fact that out of all people, Maya Hart chose to be with me.

"Are you asking me or yourself?" She teased. "Because your luck is about to skyrocket once you see what I got you." She smirked, speaking with confidence as always.

With each growing second, it became more and more difficult to contain the excitement I had about the present. Don't get me wrong, having Maya as my girlfriend is enough of a present in itself but I really was curious to see what she had gotten me.

She handed me the box and turned back to her original position; legs crossed, clasping her hands in her lap.

"Do you want me to open it or what?" I asked and nudged her, causing a light chuckle to erupt.

"Can I do the honours?" She asked hopefully, being completely serious.

I shrugged, knowing she could be weird sometimes. "It's my present but honestly knock yourself out Peaches."

"Close your eyes." She demanded, covering her hand over my eyes when she saw me trying to peep.

I let the blackness temporarily take over, waiting for her to open the present already. Suddenly, I felt a cold metal ring slip into my finger.

"Don't tell me your proposing." I joked, knowing that both of us were too young and she's smarter than that.

"Oh god no" Maya laughed, "Marriage requires commitment and I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility yet." she removed her hand from my eyes.

I glanced down at the ring and twisted it around my finger, shortly before noticing that she had the same one on hers. "It's beautiful Maya."

I watched her blush cutely and bring my hand up to her lips to kiss it gently. "It's a promise ring, Riles." She continued. "You don't have to promise me anything but I really think we're going to last and I wanted to show that to you somehow."

I nodded, feeling tears begin to well up in my eyes. I searched for the right words to say but couldn't decide on anything that wouldn't sound horrible after her little spiel. Instead, I kissed her passionately. Maya laughed at my spontaneity and rested her hands on her hips, kissing me back with just as much love.

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