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I was on the phone with Farkle, telling him about my 'date' with Maya.

"-she said something weird like 'you're worth more than I give you credit for.'" I shrugged.

I dropped my phone in shock when I hear a high pitched squeak from the other side. Farkle's voice dropped significantly after puberty but this noise was enough to shatter glass.

"YOU'RE SO INTO HER" he shouted.

"Shh Farkle!" I said into the phone, laughing.

"She was just-" I paused to think of an appropriate word. "being friendly."

"So what I'm hearing is, you're not denying the fact that you're into her?" he said.

My face heated up and I silent thanked the fact that Farkle couldn't see it and make fun of me.

"I.. um- got to go! Mom's calling." I lied and hung up the phone.

I checked my messages and saw Farkle had already texted me.

You can't hide from your feelings Riley!

I rolled my eyes and opened an Instagram direct message from Maya.

@maya_h: I had a lot of fun yesterday Riley, let's do it again soon?

I smiled to myself and replied.

@xo_riles: Yeah, me too. Heres my number 262-286-0833. Text me ;)

I expected the usual quick reply from her, but I didn't receive one.

Somewhat disappointed, I started to work on my homework.


My thoughts were interrupted when Maya called completely out of the blue. I briefly considered ignoring it to finish my homework but I missed her voice too much so I answered.

"Hi" I breathed out.

"Hey" she said, nervousness tinting her voice.


We had been talking for almost an hour now, not minding that it was 12am and we had school tomorrow.

If it was anyone else, I'm sure I would've hung up already. But with Maya, there's something different. Her presence is so addictive, I can't bring myself to leave it.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked gently.

"School, family, friends" I swallowed. "You."

I could practically hear her smile as she replied. "My dad called me today, to congratulate me on my win."

"That's great!" I assured.

"No Riley, he's been" she paused. "uh- gone for a while."

I stayed silent waiting for her to continue.

"He left my mom and I 2 years ago when he found out that I wasn't completely straight."

My heart broke as I heard her breathing become uneven. I rolled over to the left side of my bed.

"I'm so sorry Maya." I said wholeheartedly. "It's not your fault. Don't ever let anyone try to define you." I assured.

She sniffled slightly and replied with a chuckle "Yeah, well he was a complete jerk too, I'm glad he's gone."

"Screw him." I said smiling to myself. "Screw anyone that doesn't love you for who you are."

My heart warmed when Maya laughed softly in response. "Thanks Riles, I wish it was that easy."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Imagining my stress leaving my body, I exhaled all of my emotions as I prepared to talk to her.

"I don't-" I held my breath, trying to stop my hands from shaking.

"Hm?" She hummed calmly.

"I don't think I like" I said the last part as quietly as I could, afraid that if someone heard, It'd be the end of the world.

"Boys." I finished.


"That's alright." she said "You're still you right?"

I gulped, tears streaming down my face. "Yeah, I'm still me."

"Hey don't cry, it breaks my Hart." suggested Maya over the phone.

I stopped my crying momentarily to rethink the past 2 seconds.

Did she just?

"Get it?!" She shouted on the phone. "Hart? Like Maya Hart?"

I almost gagged at that stupid pun but I decided not to hang up on the person I just came out to.

"You're lucky I put up with this." I retorted.

"So you like girls?" She asked.

My breath hitched in my throat as I thought about how to reply. "To be honest, I don't know"

"No pressure, tell me when your ready." She promised.

I covered my face with a pillow and screamed, not knowing what to do with this feeling. "Thank you."

I heard her audibly laugh "Did you just scream into your pillow?" she interrogated.

"You heard that?" I replied embarrassed.

"Yeah." She breathed out. "It was cute."

I was thankful she didn't give me time to reply. She just continued speaking. "Usually I'll just drink or something when I'm upset."

I swallowed. "Alcohol?"

"What else Riles?" she chuckled.

"Oh, I don't know. I've never drank before, I wouldn't know." I admitted.

Maya sarcastically gasped as she answered me. "Huh! Oh you have to try it." she paused to think. "Or are you not about that?"

"I-" she cut me off again.

"It's okay if you aren't, I get it. I shouldn't have brought it up in the first place, sorry." Maya apologized.

"It's fine!" I assured her. "I just, haven't had an opportunity yet. I don't go out much. I'm usually at practice or keeping up with school. It's a lot of pressure sometimes."

Her voice raised exponentially when she replied. "There's a huge party this weekend. Come with me."

I thought about her offer, parties weren't really my thing.

"Please." She begged.

I couldn't say no to her, it felt wrong. "Okay."

"Hey I'll stop keeping you up, we both have school tomorrow." I said.

"Wait." She interrupted. "Stay on the line? I like hearing your voice."

Again, something inside me kept me from saying no. So I agreed.


We kept talking for another 20 minutes when I could clearly hear Maya's voice drooping.

It was adorable, really.

"Goodnight Riles." She said.

I waited for the dial tone as the call ended. But I didn't hear it. Instead, I was met with the precious sound of #1 track star, Maya Hart snoring.

I laughed and ended the call, falling asleep right after.

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