f i v e

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I woke up hazily as the sun blinded me through the bay window. Rolling over, I twisted towards my nightstand and grabbed my phone.

8:23 am

I groaned as I checked the time on my phone and sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

Just as I was about to leave the safe haven of my bed, my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw a text from Lucas.

Do you want to get lunch with me something this weekend? :)

Deciding that it was way too early for me to deal with this, I didn't reply and went downstairs for breakfast.


"Morning sunshine" greeted my mom when she spotted me. "I made pancakes! Chocolate chip, your favourite."

I raised an eyebrow at her, the only time she acts this sweet is when she needs a favour. "Is there anything you want me to do today Mom?" I asked

"Oh! Now that you mention it, would you mind looking after Auggie tonight?" She smiled.

I debated between that and going out for lunch with Lucas and chose the obvious better choice.

"Sure thing."

She jumped up with joy and walked over to kiss me on the cheek. "Ah!You're the best. I thought I'd have to do more to persuade you."

She turned her back and shouted to my father in the other room. "Honey, call off the trip to the Bahamas-she agreed!"

I rolled my eyes and groaned loudly. "Kidding!" She said as she returned to doing the dishes.


As I was eating breakfast, I did my daily scroll social media on my phone. When I opened Instagram, I noticed that someone had direct messaged me.

@maya_h: I was wondering if you'd like to join me for ice cream later? I want to get to know you better

I sighed and put away my plates, feeling more conflicted now than before.

After eating, I went up to my room and called Farkle to ask for advice. He told me to completely drop Lucas and tell him I'm not interested. Then, accept Maya's offer.

I picked up my phone and replied to the two of them respectively; being a little less harsh than Farkle told me to.

Sorry Lucas, I'm stuck babysitting Auggie all weekend. Maybe another time?

@xo_riles: Okay, sounds like fun! I'm babysitting today though, how about tomorrow?

I put down my phone and sighed, to be interrupted with another notification.

@maya_h: I have to work tomorrow, I don't think it'll work out. :(

@xo_riles: I might be able to change my plans? Let me ask.

I stood up and walked back down to the kitchen. "Hey Mom?" I asked sheepishly. "Maya asked me to hangout today, can we send Auggie over to Ava's apartment?"

Her eyes lit up as she heard Maya's name. "Of course honey! Maya is such a sweetheart I'm glad you two are working things out."

I nodded and thanked her, walking back to my room.

@xo_riles: Good news! I'm all free today, we found my brother another babysitter.

@maya_h: Great :) I'll pick you up at 3?

I agreed and sent her my address. Feeling unusually excited about spending time with Maya Hart.


I paced around around my room, panicking because I couldn't decide on what to wear.

I was stumped between always being too formal, or too laid back.

Farkle came in through the fire escape and peeked his head in through the window.

"I knew you'd have trouble choosing an outfit for your date." He joked.

I threw a dirty sock at him and frowned. "It's not a date."

Pushing me to the side, Farkle let himself into my room and began to look through my closet. About 2 and a half minutes later, he came out with a pair of high waisted black denim shorts and a white crop top.

"I love it" I grinned at him and went to the washroom to change. While there, I put my hair up into a messy bun, putting on minimal makeup. 

"Choker or no choker?" I asked him as I walked out of the washroom.

"Definitely choker."


I was sprawled across the couch as Farkle raided my kitchen for snack.

"It's been 20 minutes." I whined. "Where is she?"

Farkle looked up from his bag of Cheetos to reply, "Why are you asking me?"

I shrugged and got up, ready to go sulk in my room and accept the fact that Maya ditched me.

"Uh.. hey! It's Maya." rang a voice through the intercom.

Farkle and I shared a curious glance, noticing that her voice was interrupted by many pants.

I opened the door and she beamed at me. "Matthews" she greeted.

"Why are you so tired?" I questioned. "And late."

She rubbed the back of her neck and grinned. "Oh, I jogged here, and it took a lot longer than I thought."

That's when she noticed the tall boy behind me. "Hi" she acknowledged Farkle. "You guys are dating right? Minkus and Matthews?"

Farkle choked on his Cheetos and my face turned bright red. "Nooo" both of us said at the same time.

Maya laughed at our reaction as her expression began to light up. It looked as if she was relieved by the answer.

"Well let's get going shall we?" Maya suggested as she intertwined our hands.

I gulped at the sudden interaction but tried my best to calm down.
"Mhm" was the only noise I could make as we left the apartment.

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