t w e n t y f o u r

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The whole week has been a haze. I haven't been able to focus on much lately besides the major race on Friday. Each day was a series of going to school, running and sleeping. The cycle has gotten so repetitive I swore that if I had to do it for another day I would go insane.

On Tuesday, Columbia University emailed me back and confirmed my acceptance with a full scholarship if I get a first place at my final race.
Since we compete against everyone in the state, it was a a pretty big deal. However, this annual race would be the only first place that they would accept. Meaning that if I didn't win in my category today, I would have to wait for grade 11 and 12 for another opportunity.

I still haven't told Maya about my deal with Columbia yet because I know her too well. If she knew about my opportunity, Maya wouldn't even hesitate to "lose" a race if it meant I could go to the university I wanted. I've thought about the idea before, how easy it would be to claim the title for myself. But ultimately, I want to be able to accomplish this milestone in my life by myself.


My dad drove horribly, which did not help my nerves whatsoever. It was raining this morning which left the trail damp and muddy. Mud was always a threat. This wouldn't have been a problem if we were running on a track. But, since there's so many competitors for the last race, they do it on a cross country trail.

My eyes stared out the window, silently judging each competitor we drove by while my dad found a place to park.

"Perfect!" My father exclaimed at he found the closest parking spot. His sudden shout brought me out of my thoughts. I shook my head jokingly, "Only you would get this excited about a parking spot dad."

Not bothering to look out the side window when I opened the door, I heard a loud thud.

"Owwww" Whined Maya's voice from behind my car door.

I jumped out the car and closed the door while she grabbed her face in pain. "Maya! What were you thinking? You can't just stand outside cars and expect not to get hit." I scolded.

My eyes widened when a thick, red substance began to dribble down from her hands. Maya's hands pulled away from her face when she felt the blood, allowing me to see what I had done.

"Oh." Was the only word she managed to get out.

My head tilted, wanting to yell at her for not being upset with me. "I'm sososo sorry peaches. I didn't mean to, the door just opened and I- oh my god what have I done, are you mad at me? You should be mad at me. I love-"

The blonde stepped forward and grabbed both of my wrists with her hands. I cringed slightly when I felt her blood smear on my skin but I ignored it. "It's okay Riles, it was an accident. Besides, a bloody nose isn't going to affect how I run." She promised confidently.

When she took her hands off my wrists, both of our gazes glanced down to the mess. "Ah I didn't realize! You look like you just murdered someone Riley." She said.

I laughed and headed towards the washroom with her following behind swiftly. "Says the one with literal blood on their hands." I said.

Maya laughed and sat me on top of the countertop beside the sink. She splashed cold water onto my wrists and cleaned it with paper towels. "Partners in crime?"

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