e p i l o g u e

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2 years later

"Hey babe." Greeted a now slightly taller blonde as she kissed my cheek, throwing an arm around me afterwards.

Despite us being together since tenth grade, my heart still flutters every time she treated me like a princess. Which just so happened to be everyday.

"What are you thinking about?" Maya asked, knocking me out of my own thoughts.

I shrug, not really knowing what I was thinking about either. So I reply with the first thing that comes to mind. "How it's senior year and I still haven't won a first place yet.." I trailed off.

Maya grabs my wrist, tugging me closer to her. "That's okay honey, you still have lots of time." she reassures me.

"It's May and there's two races left." I replied dryly.

Maya's face contorts for a second as she thinks. "That's a till a lot of time!"

I rolled my eyes," I'm not going to Columbia, am I?" My voice whines a bit as I embrace the truth.

"Wherever you go, I'll support you and follow you every step of the way Riles." Maya smiles at me.


I tripped over the finish line clumsily, landing face first into wet grass. Regardless of the circumstances, I had just won my first race and was now guaranteed a scholarship to Columbia university. My grin grew larger as I rolled over to look up at the sun peeking through the clouds.

My eyes squinted at it, taking in this moment. I heard cheers erupt once again which meant that Maya was probably crossing.

"HONEY!" screamed Maya, running towards me despite the race already being over. I laughed at her enthusiasm and began to sit up but was pushed back down just as quick.

The smaller girl had tackled me into a hug, right there. She nuzzled her head into my neck. Her hair draped over my neck to others from seeing it, but Maya was pressing hard kisses onto my neck. She licked her way up until she found my pulse point.

She took advantage of the fact that everyone else just saw a cute hug between two girlfriends but we both knew what she was really doing.

My coach walked over to congratulate, Maya still on top of me and hugging me tight.

"I knew you had it in you Matthews." He said proudly.

I opened my mouth to respond but a moan slipped out when Maya nibbled on my neck gently. My right hand took itself off of the small of her back and slapped my mouth to cover the noise.

He raised an eyebrow at me, "Sorry," I apologized sheepishly, "just tired."

With that, he nodded. "I'll let you two have your moment." He smiled. "I'll be over there if you need me."

I nodded obediently, pushing Maya off of me. "Babe, I love you- but what the hell!"

My girlfriend chuckled innocently. "I have no idea what you're talking about." She paused. "But hey, if you're trying to celebrate this win, so am I."

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