t w e n t y f i v e

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My eyes fluttered open lazily. I glanced around to see myself in a well lit, white room. Everything was sanitary and in place, it was a hospital.

I shuddered at the thought, I've always hated them. Something that I could never put my finger on about hospitals were so creepy.

A young nurse with short black hair walked past my door, stopped, then backtracked two steps. We made awkward eye contact for a few seconds before she turned her head out the door and shouted. "She's awake!"

Assuming she was talking about me, I tried to fix my appearance if anyone was going to come see me. I was wearing a hospital gown that did not match my nails. My hands reached for my head to flatten out my hair while my legs stretched out at the same time.

As soon as I did that, it felt like a million cement blocks had fallen onto my ankle. I yelped in pain and smacked myself in the forehead for being so careless.

"Everything okay in here?"

I nodded my head eagerly. "Yeah.. everything just hurts." I shrugged. My hands rubbed my eyes tiredly. "I had a good sleep though!"

Though I was partially joking, I couldn't quite remember the last time I had a full 8 hours of sleep. I've been so busy and stressed out for such a long time that it was nice to know that I can go back to normal now.

The doctor chuckled halfheartedly at my comment and scribbled something onto his clipboard. I would try to peek up to see what he wrote but doctor handwriting is always so messy that I figured there was no point.

"Well we're all glad you're okay." He smiled.

I lifted an eyebrow at him and tilted my head. Who else could be here? I've only been here for like, an hour. "We're?" I asked.

The tall man nodded, his broad shoulders slightly lifting up in the process. He looked like he could be a football player in another life. "Your parents and little brother are in the waiting room outside, they're very relieved that you're awake now."

The same nurse from earlier scurried into the room to whisper in his ear before leaving abruptly. "Oh, and your girlfriend seems to be here now too."

I winced at the thought of Maya. "How long have I been out?" I questioned, thinking that there was no way my whole family came to the hospital in such a short amount of time.

"12 hours." He replied. "You were out like a light the second we put you on the hospital bed. Nothing injury related, I think you were just really tired." The doctor laughed.

Auggie ran into my field of vision right after the doctor finished laughing. "Riley!!!!" He exclaimed, tears beginning to well up in his eyes.

"Hey buddy" I greeted fondly and messed up his hair with my hand. "Don't cry, I'll be okay." I reassured.

I looked up to the doctor, knowing that I shouldn't have any visitors in my room right now. "Is it okay if he keeps me company for a bit?" I asked with puppy dog eyes and a slight pout.

He hesitated for a split second before nodding. "Fine."

The room vibrated with a rumble when the doctor cleared his throat. "As I was saying, we ran some tests on you during your beauty sleep. It looks like your left ankle is fractured. Other than that, there's quite a bit of bruises and burns on your forearms from your fall." He informed me.

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