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I grabbed a bland granola bar from the counter and rushed out of my house, having already woken up late. "Bye Mom! See ya Auggie!" I said, regretting my decision to stay up all night last night talking to Maya.


When I entered the front doors of the school, I was already a mess. My hair had somehow freed itself from the high ponytail I had up earlier and I couldn't seem to catch my breath. No way was I going to risk getting a late on my perfect attendance record.

Maybe if I ran this fast at my races I would beat Maya for once..

My attention diverted to the enthusiastic morning announcements as I retrieved my books from my locker. Lucas' voice blared out as always, that boy really does love his attention. Which is why morning announcements were perfect for him. My stomach began to twist and turn like a washing machine when he mentioned that he had a 'special surprise' for the listeners today.

"As you may know," he spoke clearly through the speakers. "Our very own Riley Matthews is dating someone from our school's biggest rival; Maya Hart." He declared sarcastically, painting a tin in his face through his words.

I winced as soon as I heard those words and convinced myself to calm down. My head moved from side to side as I looked around rapidly for Farkle while avoiding stares from strangers.

He would make this all better, he always does.

"Now I don't know about you," he began talking again just after I thought he had finished. Lucas was a shark that wasn't going to stop until his prey was lifeless. "But being a lesbian and betraying John Adams high school? She might as well say goodbye to her little Columbia scholarship." He snickered and turned off the audio system with a click.

I rushed to the girls washroom after I gave up on looking for Farkle, pushing through crowds of people to reach my destination. I could feel my vision starting to blur like fog as I became lightheaded. The hot tears flowed freely down my face when I was finally alone.

This was too much. All of it. Why me?

Until this moment, I didn't even question how Lucas knew in the first place. I was too caught up on trying to calm myself down. Could it have been Farkle?

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the thought that he would ever go behind my back like that.

I curled up into a ball and rested my head in it for a few seconds, starting to feel somewhat at ease when I zoned everything else out. Looking at the time on my phone, I finally discovered that there are worse things than having a tardy on your attendance so I stayed put. I sent a short text to Maya and then directed my thoughts back to my own breathing.

How could he do this to me?


The door came flying open and I gulped, afraid of who it was. "Riles! Riley!" I heard my name echo against the empty stall doors as she stormed into the girls washroom.

I lifted my head up to look at her and suddenly everything the world was clearer and it didn't seem so bad anymore.

"Peaches?" I asked dazed, the crying had worn me out quite a bit. "How did you get into my school?"

Maya smiled and sat down beside me, mimicking my position. "Don't worry about that." I nodded, beginning to wipe off my tears quickly. I didn't want to look vulnerable in front of her.

"Sorry." I mumbled as I dried my wet palms on my blue jeans.

She grabbed my hand directed me to look at her in her crystal blue eyes. "For what? You haven't done anything but be perfect Riley." She gulped, and her attitude changed as she clenched her fists. "Lucas on the other hand.." she gritted through her teeth.

I smiled lovingly at how protective she was. Letting go of the warmth that came along with holding her hand, I walked over to the sink to wash my face. I'm tired of being weak and defenceless. Maybe it's time for a change.

The both of us froze and looked towards the door when we saw Sarah walk in. She glanced rapidly between the two of us and frowned before turning around and leaving.

I felt my legs shake from beneath me like an earthquake was occurring and my vision started to blur yet again. I thought about that look Sarah gave me when she saw Maya and I. It was disgust.

Is this how everyone is going to see me now?

That question sent me over the edge. I sunk to the floor, wishing that it was the bottom of a swimming pool. I found it more difficult to breath with each growing second.

"Maya- I- th-think I'm having a- a- a panic attack."

Her caring eyes widened and I watched the gears in her mind begin to turn when she thought about how to manage the situation. I almost felt bad for throwing her into it like this.

"Hey, hey. It's just me, she's gone now." Maya whispered in my ear. "I want you to breath with me okay?" She gently took my hand and placed it onto her firm stomach. I closed my eyes and followed my breathing to its movements, only blushing slightly at the contact.

When my breaths seemed to even again, she leaned over and spoke just above a whisper. "Let's take you home."


I looked aimlessly out the window while we stopped at the red light. There was a thick tension in the car created from the silence that I knew Maya wanted to break.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." She apologized, placing her hand on my thigh and squeezing it lightly. I couldn't help but notice how her voice cracked near the end of the sentence.

Still stopped, I leaned over and kissed her softly on the cheek. Feeling the skin I pecked with the back of my hand, we stared at each other. Her cheek was slightly wet- a tear had rolled down it. "It's not your fault, I love you so much Maya."

The light turned to green and she stepped on the pedal, reminding me once again of how horrible of a driver she was. "Do you?" She questioned, seeking assurance in our relationship.

"Yes! Maya, I have so much hope for us. Can't you see?" I promised her and watched her expression grow tense.

"I have a secret." She said softly, her hands were gripping the wheel so tightly that her knuckles were turning white.

I tried to push aside any ideas of her cheating on me or wanting to break up while I urged her to tell me what it is.

"Last month, I applied to transfer to your school." She gulped. "I'm starting tomorrow."

I blinked slowly, trying to comprehend what she had just told me.

"Surprise?" She laughed awkwardly.

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