An Unexpected 'Camp'

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Thanks, anyone who reviewed my first chapter, I'm really happy people liked it. So thank you all so much :) Back on when I first uploaded this I was told to not switch between POVs so much so now there are none in this chapter. Hope you like it :).


After all the commotion regarding Nagisa and Karma switching bodies, they had all gone back into the classroom and sat down at their seats with the rest of the class and the teachers. Nagisa as Karma was the first to start talking, "This defies all logic! How did I end up in Karma's body?!" No-one really knew what or how to answer. Nagisa realised he had Karma's voice instead of his own and wasn't accustomed to the slightly deeper tone, on instinct, he coughed trying to change it back to normal then remembered the situation. He took a moment before stating, "This sucks."

Karma couldn't help but smirk at the other boy, "It's really not that bad."

Sugino along with a few others around the room laughed at Nagisa's antics around the whole situation. Sugino looked over to Nagisa as Karma, "Whoa dude, that expression does not suit that body." A few more of the people in the room laughed at that comment and Nagisa as Karma buried his face in his arms crossed over his desk. Karma chuckled and leant further back in his seat.

Nagisa looked up suddenly and glares at Koro Sensei, "Koro Senseiiii, don't you know how to fix this? It is basically your fault." He pouted and waited for a response.

"Unfortunately Kar-*ahem*Nagisa, I do not now anyway of changing things back to normal, but we should be able to make things right, if this happened in the first place then there should be a way to reverse it." Nagisa as Karma slammed his head back down on the desk in defeat.

"I don't mean to ruin the moment-," Nakamura interrupted, earning a glare from Nagisa as Karma which she couldn't help but think to herself as 'oh god that's scary', "-but what are you two going to do about your parents tonight? I mean you can't go home and act like nothing's happened, right? It's not like you guys look alike so we can't even disguise the two of you."


The classmates glance around at each other thinking about how she has a point. Nagisa glances more worriedly back at Karma and he slightly nods back him. Just as the students were about to discuss the issue Koro Sensei pipes up, "I'll just ring all of your parents now and tell them that we've organised a last minute camp. That should give us some time."

The whole class blinks then cheers, "Really? Yeaaaaah! CAMP!" The rest of the day went by, with Koro sensei ringing parents and the students leaving school, going back to their homes, taking clothes and other things they need and then coming back. They were all sure to act normal around their parents so that no suspicion came about the random camp. Luckily for Koro sensei no parents were against the camp, that being said, a few questioned him on why the late notice and he casually replied each time that he had been educating them on the stars and constellations and he wanted to actually show them for better understanding of the topics covered in class. This won over any questioning parents.

The students had all gotten what they needed from home now and they had all placed their stuff in a bag on each of their desks. Koro Sensei had organised for the 'camp' to be at the regular 3-E classroom and he was going to set everything up a bit later. The students now were all chatting away and socialising. The class had broken off into their usual friend groups and they all now sat in small circles. Nagisa and Karma were sitting with Kayano Sugino, Kanzaki, Maehara and Okuda. Kayano was talking to Nagisa sitting next to her, "How does it feel to be in Karma's body? Like can you feel any actual differences to your normal body?" She asked quite enthusiastically.

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now