New clothes

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Hope you all enjoy!

When Karma woke up the next day, he was not looking forward to what might happen. He didn't want to have to play 'dress up' with Nagisa's mother, in fact, he didn't really like her at all! But he knew he couldn't get out of this situation, he was going to have to put up with Hiromi's game because Nagisa never rejects her actions, yes, he despises them but he never completely refuses. So if he was to not make Hiromi suspicious he would have to put up with all that to act like Nagisa.

'Oh, what a stressful day today is going to be.' Was the first thing both Nagisa and Karma thought when they woke up that day.

Nagisa was lying on the couch in Karma's living room, he was awake but he didn't want to get up. He watched as Karma came down the stairs and walked into the kitchen to make breakfast. At that moment, Nagisa decided to get up and face the horrible day. He felt guilty making Karma have to go through all this. The two of them ate breakfast and walked to school. On the way they discussed the classes they had that day and before they knew it, they were at school.

The day was extremely boring for everyone in the class. Nothing interesting happened all day and the subjects were boring as well. At lunch, Nagisa went up to Koro sensei. He told the teacher about what was happening in the afternoon after school and asked for his help in keeping him and Karma less than 100 meters near each other. Koro sensei agreed and patted the current red head on the head. A gesture he saved only for that student, silently telling him not to worry.

Nagisa, Karma and Koro sensei made their way towards Nagisa's house. Karma had been there before but Koro sensei was excited. "Look octopus, you aren't going inside." Karma was getting annoyed now.

"I know Karma but it's still exciting to see where Nagisa lives."

Nagisa didn't think his house was all that interesting, "It's really nothing special, Koro sensei."

They reached the house and Nagisa was picked up by Koro sensei as he went over the plan, "Okay so Karma you will have to act like Nagisa for the afternoon. Please don't forget to open the window of Nagisa's bedroom so we can get in."

Karma nodded and looked up at Koro sensei and Nagisa, Nagisa was being cradled in his tentacles like a toddler and it looked extremely strange with it being himself. Koro sensei would never do such an action to Karma. They were lucky that the street was empty.

Karma took a deep breath and walked up to the front door. Koro sensei moved to the side of the house, where he could watch from the windows without being seen. Karma unlocked the door with the keys he had gotten from Nagisa. He walked in, "I'm home!" He had been practising Nagisa's voice for the whole day and had pretty much mastered it, the whole time creeping Nagisa out.

He knew that Hiromi was home since the car was outside. "Welcome home! I haven't seen you in a few days, are you doing okay?" Karma walked to the kitchen where the voice was coming from. "Yeah, I've been fine." He smiled the way that Nagisa does when he saw Hiromi putting some cutlery away. "I bought you some new clothes, I want you to try them on a bit later." Karma was dreading that part of the evening but just kept smiling.

"How was school today?"

Karma thought for a second, 'how would Nagisa answer?' Well, he likes English most, so...'

"It was interesting, we started a new topic in English."

Hiromi just nodded and continued putting away plates and cups. "You can have some free time, for now, go to your room and get some homework done or something, but I will call you downstairs later when I want you to try on the clothes I bought."

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now