School event

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Karma was bored, well bored was an understatement, he was extremely bored and didn't want to have to listen to Koro sensei teach anymore. He was struggling keeping awake while he sat in class. The only reason he was even there was because he was worried that something would happen if he left and accidently went too far away from Nagisa, they had already both become unconscious from that and Karma didn't want to hurt Nagisa in any way.

He also didn't want to fall asleep because the last time that happened the class made fun of Nagisa for it... He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He had to sit through Koro sensei's class.

The class went on forever, Karma was so thankful when the bell went for their eating break, Karma went up to Nagisa and moved a chair and sat down in front of his desk. A crowd was already around him including Nakamura, Sugino and Kayano. Karma looked out the window while eating some food he had taken from Nagisa's bento. Koro sensei was outside talking to the chairman of the school: Gakuhou.

"Guys, the principal's here, that's rare."

The other four in their small group turned and looked out the window and they saw the two teachers talking. The group of 5 watched as the principal and octopus walked into the E class building. Nakamura asked, "Do you think they're coming here or going to the staff room?"

"Well, we're going to find out soon enough anyway," Kayano answered. They waited watching the door and when it opened the rest of the class looked and were really surprised to see Gakuhou. Everyone went back to their seats as the chairman went to the front of the class.

Karma grabbed Nagisa's arm before he sat down and whispered, "We should switch seating spots; if he knows where we all sit he might think something strange is going on if he saw us in different spots."

Nagisa whispered back before going to Karma's seat, "Okay." Karma sat down in Nagisa's spot and as Nagisa sat down the chairman started talking.

"Good morning class 3E, I've come here to notify your class that the school will be having a series of challenges at the main building tomorrow and the event will last for three days including the first. This event was created by the school council committee and is to show off everyone's' talents. Your class is required to have at least one person participate in each activity. You can have more than 1 person participate in an activity but the limit is 5 students for each. There is one special rule for your class though, the students in the main building can nominate a person from your class to participate in an activity; this will be decided through a voting process. That's all, I've given your teacher a list of the activities where you can also write who is participating in each, please send your class reps to my office later today with the list."

He left and Koro sensei put the list on his pedestal. He began reading out the list of activities, "Singing, dancing, acting, drawing..." and the list went on, it went for so long and the class was getting bored.

Koro sensei left the room finished the list and decided to just let them decide who participates in everything. Nakamura turned to Nagisa, "This is stupid! We get a 'special' rule that one of us might be made to participate!"

Nagisa sighed, "Yeah, it sucks."

Karma came up behind them, "I bet the rest of the school has known for ages about this event and he told us so late just to mess with us."

This time Nakamura sighed, "Yeah, probably."

Isogai turned around and spoke to the whole class, "Well then let's get started and pick who's going to be doing each activity."

It took them longer than expected since there were so many activities and there were some that none of them even wanted to do, but they had to have at least one person for each. Isogai and Kataoka went and gave the list to the principal and not long later it was the end of the school day. Nagisa walked with Karma home and they talked about the challenge days that started tomorrow.

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now