'Truth or dare'

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Sorry, this took so long to go up, as I said I moved and all the computers got disconnected. Anyway here is chapter 5, Hope you like!


Nagisa was hiding to escape having to participate in the catch/truth or dare game. A lot of people had given up or passed out from this game. He was in a bush and from it, he had a clear view of the last two players: Karma and Maehara.

Earlier that day:
"Soooo who's ready to play?" Everyone had fallen silent after Karma had explained the rules to them, "Why would we want to play a game you made up?" Terasaka said.

"Ehhh? You afraid that you might lose?" Karma teased. "I am not! Fine! I'll play!" Shouted Terasaka. "I'll play if Terasaka does," Itona said while raising his hand. Soon everyone had more or less mumbled that they would play and Karma took this chance to start the game, "TERASAKA!"

He threw the ball to the person who was too surprised at his name being called so suddenly, that he didn't even try to catch the ball. It bounced away and rolled into a bush. Karma in Nagisa's body smiled his innocent, soft, smile and said, "Sorry Terasaka but you have to do a dare." He froze, "T-that doesn't count." Itona interrupted, "You agreed to play, so play."

More people joined in, "Come on Terasaka!"
"You agreed."
"Stop trying to run away."
"You said you'd play."

More and more people were shouting now, "SHUT UP! Fine, what's the stupid dare I have to do?" He said turning to Karma in Nagisa's body. He shook his head, "Do you ever listen to people? You need to throw to someone first then do your dare." Karma said while walking over to the forgotten basketball in the bushes, he picked it up and gave it to Terasaka, "Your turn~. People interested in your dare will stay, choose someone to throw to." Terasaka, now holding the ball looked around the people who stayed, 'Quite a few' he thought.

He chose the next player, "Itona!" He threw the ball and Itona caught the ball easily with both his hands in front of him. "It seems I'll be doing truth." He says. "Now Terasaka-" Karma starts, "I want you to hold still and try to stay quiet as I shove this wasabi up your nose." He held up the tube of green paste. Terasaka now had a horrified look and Nagisa in Karma's body could tell by the people around Terasaka that he wasn't getting out of this dare.

A few people ran off while Itona was looking while holding the ball. Nagisa took this chance to get away as well and he hoped he could stay out of the game altogether. As he left he heard Terasaka's screams from behind him. 'Evil Karma.' He thought.

After 20 minutes of the game Terasaka, Muramatsu, Yoshida and Takebayashi were out of the game. The first three had passed out from wasabi and chilli being up their noses (*cough Karma *cough) and Takabayashi had moved out of someone's way at some point and ran into a tree, smashing his glasses, so now he couldn't participate anymore.

Sugaya had the ball at the moment. He threw it, "SUGINO!" It was quite a normal throw and Sugino caught it without having too much at all. Sugino expertly threw it to Kimura and it bounced off his hand to the ground, "Damn it." Sugino walked up to Sugaya, "So what's the question?" He hadn't really come up with anything, "Uhhh, oh, what would you play if there was no baseball?" Sugino froze, "No baseball? Well, there'd be no meaning to life... Oh My God! What if there was no baseball!" He started getting worked up and tears ran down his face.

Sugaya tried to calm him down and took him to the 4 boys not participating, making it 6. Kimura came to them asking for a dare, "The game can't continue until you give me one." He said to Sugino. "Run around the school building 50 times or something..." Kimura left.

Karma knew nearly all the people who played had now given up. A crowd of the boys were outside the classroom watching Kimura do laps. The people who remained were him, Maehara, Isogai and Nagisa. Isogai and Nagisa hadn't been located so Karma was looking for them since he had the ball.

'Nagisa should be easy to find, he looks like me at the moment, red hair doesn't blend in well.' He thought. He kept looking until Isogai fell from a tree in front of him, "Aaaagh!"
He looked up at the tree with a confused expression. "Isogai." Karma threw the ball lightly. Isogai caught it and stood up, "What's the question?"

"Why did you fall out of the tree? You have good grades for P.E, I hardly believe you were clumsy and fell." Isogai put his hands out, "There's something on the tree, I think it's oil." He tries to wipe his hand on his pants but as you know oil is not that easy to get off.

Isogai sighed, "It looks like I'm out, I can't hide in the trees like this, I'll go join the group at the class." Karma walked up to the tree, 'Someone's messing with our game.'

A little while before Isogai fell: "Did you hear? The boys are playing a truth or dare catch game!" Nakamura said, sitting on a table in the classroom. "Let's interfere!" Kayano said excitedly. The girls left the classroom and went outside...

Present time: Karma had found Maehara and threw the basketball to him, he caught it and was asked, "How many girls have you dated?" He had replied, "58." Karma was surprised at how shameless Maehara was. Nagisa in Karma's body was watching from a bush that had red flowers on it, covering his currently red hair.

A group of E class girls had spotted Nagisa as Karma and they had worked out a plan to make him get into the game. Well, not really a plan, Kayano snuck up behind Nagisa and pushed him forward. He tumbled down the hill he was on and stopped right in between Karma and Maehara. He looked back at the bush and saw Kayano stick out her tongue.

Maehara had the ball and had taken the chance to throw at Nagisa. Nagisa's hands were behind him from the fall and he didn't have enough time to catch the ball. It rolled away as it hit the ground. "Nagisa, you have to do have to do a dare," Maehara said. He thought for a moment, "Go help every guy from class, Karma has done some serious trouble making."

Nagisa got up, "Maehara you're being awfully... considerate." "Naaa, I just feel sorry for them." Nagisa walked back to the class, all the boys were there. He started with Terasaka and his gang (except Itona) he got them pillows and splashed water on their faces to wake them up.

He moved on to Mimura, his face was red and he was mumbling; "Now everyone knows about my air guitar sessions." Nagisa thought, 'I can't help here.' Itona and Okajima were talking, Nagisa looked at them and decided they didn't need his help. Kimura was lying down, out of breath and tired. Nagisa offered a bottle of water to him. Chiba had gone home and Sugaya was with Sugino. Sugino was babbling about baseball and Nagisa got a bucket of water and threw it over him. He had seen him like this before and knew how to deal with it.

Nagisa was going to leave when he realised Isogai wasn't around. He found him at the taps washing his hands while talking to Nakamura next to him, "You didn't have to put so much oil on the tree, now I can't get it off." Nagisa chuckled to himself and went inside the classroom for the rest of the camp.


Wow, it's a bit longer than my other chapters.

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now